Chapter 35: Don't come home, Tine

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"I think-- I think Green stole my house keys. I saw him this morning and he seemed too happy and smug.

Sarawat is supposed to be home right now to get the court documents. but he is not picking up the damn phone. I—I don't have a good feeling about this."

Tine's POV

"What do you mean you don't have a good feeling about this, Tine? FUCK. Wait, Hold on a second. Green has your house keys. Sarawat should be at the house too. So, both of them could be at the apartment, like RIGHT NOW?"

I could see the panic building on Phukong's face and he probably seemed more worried than me. Dammit. I shouldn't have let him come to Bangkok today. He would have just been safer with his aunt. I am basically putting both of them in danger just because I assumed Green was normal enough to step aside and give up nicely. How could I be this stupid? It was never going to be easy. I should have known better.

"Yes...." I said, ever so slowly, still trying to think what to do next.

"Okay. Okay. I have his office number. I'll call there. You keep calling on his mobile. I am sure-- I am sure it's just nothing." Phukong was stammering and shaking.

"Who is Green?" Mil looked at me, all worried, but I couldn't even get myself to answer his question which I knew would inevitably fill me up with guilt. Instead, I ignored his question tried calling Sarawat over and over again, hoping he would pick up. I could feel the anxiety setting in my mind and it was getting worse with every passing minute.

"Green is — Green is Tine's psycho ex. He has practically been stalking Tine for the past few months and he-- he has some violent tendencies."

"He is still not picking up, Phukong." I put down my phone and fished out my car keys from my pocket. "I am going home. You stay here with Mil."

"Absolutely not. You are in no condition to drive and I don't want you to go there alone. Lets go just together." Phukong clearly refused.

"Phukong, I am not taking you with me"

Phukong didn't respond. His phone was still on his ear. Someone at Sarawat's office had finally picked up the phone, so he turned out to talk to them.

"Tine, why don't you both come with me?" It was Mil who spoke up. "Both of you already seem so worried. I honestly don't think neither of you should drive. Tell me your address. I will also notify the nearest police station to check up on your house if they can get there before us."

"No Mil, you—you don't have"

"Come on Tine, even if your ex doesn't do anything harmful, you know my testimony as a prosecutor could help him get into jail, just for breaking and entering."

"TINE LETS JUST GO WITH MIL. Sarawat's office said he already left 5 minutes ago."

"God dammit."

"My car is just parked there outside. Let's just go for now, shall we?"

We got into Mil's car as quickly as we could and headed towards the house. Sarawat was still not picking up, and I was hoping, really hoping he was just stuck in the traffic somewhere and just didn't check his phone while driving.

"I have notified the police. They are sending someone in 5-10 mins."

"Fuck. That's too long. We'll reach in a few minutes any way. Phukong, try calling Sarawat's office again? Maybe he got back? He is still not picking up his phone."

"He hasn't reached the office yet either.. Who else could we call... WAIT TINE, WHAT ABOUT THE LANDLINE? Is it still working or did Sarawat get it disconnected after I came out of prison?"

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