Chapter 21: Fight for Tine?

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Tine sat up on the bed and stretched his arms. "Were you? Why do you look like you just saw a ghost?

Sarawat's POV

"Ah" I looked around trying to come with an excuse, but there was none. "Ah-- I was just—your alarm, Tine — why does it sound like someone just died? It shocked me"

Tine chuckled. "Did it? Sorry, I can't get up that easily in mornings. That alarm does sound hateful, but it helps me wake up"

"Oh." Weird, I hadn't heard that alarm before while sleeping with Tine. May be I just slept too deeply.

"I should get up. Its a big day today, Sarawat"

It was a big day. My mind was so filled with Tine that I had absolutely forgotten today was Phukong's reappeal day. I was so happy for the last few days that I forgot how much Phukong was struggling in the prison every passing day.  


"Hmm?" I looked up.

"Stop overthinking in your head. Everything is going to be okay"

"No, I wasn't overthinking--"

"Yes you were. You were overthinking right now. Are you worried about Phukong?"

"I just — I am scared for Phukong. What if things don't go well today?"

"Then we'll draw up another strategy tomorrow. But we are going to get Phukong out some way and we are definitely not going to overthink, okay?"


"Why don't you get some sleep? I am sure you are really tired. And may be you can visit Phukong in the afternoon? I'll be busy the whole day today."

"No, I am not that sleepy. You go take a shower. I'll make breakfast for you"

"Okay. As long as you will have the breakfast with me."

Tine and I mostly had our breakfast in silence, which was rare for us. Whenever we ate, Tine would tell me these funny stories about his life and I would ask him more questions about it. But today, Tine was silent.

I stared at Tine hoping to notice what was wrong with him.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Sarawat? Just eat the food"

"Why are you so quiet today? Are you nervous?"

Tine chuckled. "I hardly get nervous when it comes to my work especially when I know its good. I will be meeting with the judge and Attorney Mil today, I am just going over all the points in my head. That's all."

"I am sure you are very good, Tine" I smiled, even though I could still notice some nervousness in his eyes. "Can I come with you and watch you in court? I haven't seen you in action as a full-on lawyer"

"It's nothing like the TV shows. Its actually pretty boring. And we won't have a whole court full of people for reappeal. Its just me, Mil, and a few other people in the judge's chambers. You don't have to come. Catch up on some sleep instead, you have been up all night."

Tine got up as soon as he finished his breakfast. "I'll leave now or I might get late in reaching the court. I'll meet you in the evening, okay?

Whatever the result is, good or bad, I'll tell face to face and we'll handle it together. So, don't stay up waiting for my call and get some sleep, got it?"

He picked up his bag and opened the door, but he wouldn't even look me in the eye.

"Tine, wait!"

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