Chapter 8: Take the towel, Tine

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Tine's POV



I could hear muffled noises. Someone was calling out my name but I couldn't respond back no matter how much I tried. I could feel my lungs were filled with water and the salt creeping into every part of my senses. Suddenly, I felt a huge thud on my chest which made me throw up all the water in my stomach and brought me back to my senses.

"Tine! Can you hear me? Are you okay?" Sarawat was looking at him with furrowed eyes.

"I-- I am okay. I — I want some water"

Sarawat didn't say anything back. He was still looking straight into my eyes. It was the restaurant owner who finally spoke up "Max, go and get him a glass of water, quick! You are an absolute idiot for advising him to go swim. This young boy could have drowned because of your stupid suggestion."

"But grandpa, I didn't think the waves would be that bad — they never are."

"That's because you are used to them, Max. You have been swimming here all your life. Now can you please run and get him some water"

"Hey Tine. Look at me" Sarawat moved closer to my face. I was suddenly made hyper aware of the fact that Sarawat's hands were on my chest and I was just in my briefs. "Are you okay? Do you feel any discomfort? Should we go to the hospital?"

"No, I am — I am okay." I drank up the water Max gave me which helped subside the salty taste in my mouth.

"Are you sure? Do you feel any pain?"

"Ah. No. Just my ankle. I think it twisted when the waves hit me and I lost balance."

Sarawat looked down, checking my feet. "The left one is a bit swollen. I'll get you some first aid"

"Why don't you guys rest in one of our hotel rooms till you feel better? You have already been through a lot because of my grandson's stupid mistake. This is the least I can do. I am sorry for ruining your trip. " The restaurant owner spoke up.

"No no. That's not needed. I said I am okay—"

"I think its a good idea. We'll take it." Sarawat cut me off and acted like I didn't just utter any important words. "Hey Max, can you guide me to the room? I'll carry Tine"

"What? No Sarawat" I tried speaking up again, but Sarawat ignored all my pleadings.

"Tine, you are hurt. Let's just stay for a few hours till you feel better. Do it for my own peace of mind if not for you — please"

I looked down. I am still so bad at saying 'no' to others. "Okay."I tried getting up and Sarawat wrapped his arms around my bare waist to help me walk. "Put your arms around me Tine."

"Huh, what?"

He put my arms up and circled it around his shoulder. "Here. Now you can balance your weight better without hurting your ankle."

Max guided us to a room on the second floor. He opened the room, apologised profusely again, and left. The room was cozy and simple — just what you would expect from a hotel room, nothing more, nothing less. I would have loved to stay here, if I was actually staying the night and didn't just botch the whole trip.

"Tine. Take the towel"

I turned back. Sarawat was standing near the bathroom holding a fluffy white towel. "Uh. Thanks."

"Take off your briefs"

"What?" I looked at Sarawat in utter confusion, hoping I didn't hear what I just heard.

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