Ch 25: You don't have to like me very much💖

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Sarawat's POV

Sitting at the dinner with Phukong and Tine talking like they had known each other for years, made me happier than I thought it would. Phukong isn't the kind of person who warms up to people that easily, and yet, he admired Tine a lot, so much so that he let Tine handle his case.

Seeing Phukong walk outside the prison felt like a relief that I had never known and it was all because of Tine. If he hadn't come into my life, I would still be wasting every weekend trying to look for Phukong's stupid ex. And yet, I somehow ended up yelling at Tine like an absolutely selfish idiot.

I shouldn't have yelled at Tine. I absolutely shouldn't have yelled at Tine. He can go wherever he wants and with whomever he wants. I am nobody to stop him and force him to not go to dinner with some other guy. I was just his roommate, I had no right to say all that to him. But just the idea of Tine getting close to someone else filled me with rage, and I had no idea how to handle that.

So, I did what I should have done in the first place, I told Tine that he can go have dinner with Mil or whatever, if that's what he wants.

But for some reason Tine wanted to have dinner with Phukong and me, which is how he ended up here at the restuarant. I just wish he hadn't come in his work clothes because now all I could think about was him in my bed, taking off his clothes, and I just couldn't get that image out of my head.

Phukong was telling these crazy prison stories which I was pretty sure weren't even true. He always tries to over exaggerate stuff to pretend like he's a tough guy. Normally, I would have called Phukong out on his bluff, but Tine was listening to him so intently and I was too busy stealing glances at Tine.

My trance was finally broken when Tine declared he was leaving the apartment.

"I am planning to move out of the apartment next month so Sarawat and you can live there comfortably."

That's what he said to Phukong and I felt my stomach drop. He thought Phukong was going to move in with me and we would want space, but that wasn't even close to the truth.

"But Tine—"

"I need to use the washroom"

Before I could say anything, Tine walked away from me. I could see him moving further away from me and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Are you seriously not going to stop him?" Phukong's voice made me realise I wasn't just living a nightmare.

"Its-its not my place, Phukong."

"Then make it your place, idiot. You said you wouldn't risk confessing to Tine because you wanted him to stay as your roommate. Well, guess what? Now he is leaving and he won't ever come back to you."

"Tine deserves someone better than me"

"That's for Tine to decide! Take a risk. For once in your life. Tell Tine you like him. What's the worst thing that could happen? He'll reject you and leave. Well, he is leaving anyway."

"Come on, Phukong.."

"Wow. I thought you really liked him. But I guess I was wrong. Clearly, it doesn't matter to you that you are going to lose him and not see him everyday. You are right, may be Tine does deserve someone better. Someone who likes him enough to fight for him and not give up on him that easily."

I want to fight for him. I love Tine. No one could ever love him more than I do.

"FUCK!" I slammed my hands on the dinner table for the second time and stood up.

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