Chapter 30: I'll never leave you, Tine

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"Where would I go, Tine? You are my home"

Sarawat' POV

When I left Tine in front of our building, I didn't think I wouldn't come back home all night. I just needed some time to clear my head and to control my temper. It felt heart wrenching just watching Tine with his ex. Not because Tine was talking to him or because Tine didn't let me beat him. It was because Tine didn't even try to defend himself when that jerk pushed him. If Tine really didn't care about his ex anymore, why didn't he just hit back?

Tine is a 6 fucking feet tall man with the most amazing biceps that I have seen in my whole life. He could take down that jerk in a single punch – but Tine just let that jerk push him around instead.

I wanted to trust Tine, and I was trying to not think of all the bad conclusions that were already spinning in my head. I also knew that if I went home right away, we would probably get into a fight. So, I kept driving and somehow found myself in front of my aunt's house. The only house that I thought I could call my home until Tine moved into my apartment.

Phukong was definitely not very happy to see me, but at least he didn't ask any questions. We had dinner together. My aunt, and Phukong soon went back to sleep — but I... I was just sitting here right in front of the TV trying to distract myself from all the events of the morning. I had kept my feelings for Tine hidden for so long, I was so happy to finally let it all out but I didn't expect for our first day together to go like this.

"Why are you still up, Sarawat?"

"Huh?" I didn't even realise when Phukong came out in the living room until he sat right next to me.

"Why are watching Jurassic Park at 1am in that night?"

I looked back at the TV and finally noticed the movie that was playing on the screen.

"Just—just for fun. You can go back to sleep, Phukong."

"And you should go back home to your new boyfriend. Why are you even here, Sarawat? I am sure Tine is waiting for you at home."

"He doesn't need me."

"Are you sure about that? Because I think he needs you and wants you to be at home. Listen, I don't know what kind of fight you had with Tine, but he is the right one for you. You will never find someone as perfect as Tine and I think you already know that. So don't be an idiot and stop sabotaging your own relationship."

"I know Tine is perfect, okay. You don't need to tell me that. Its just.."

"Just WHAT?"

"I love him, Phukong, may be a little too much. And I am — I am scared he'll leave me once he realises how perfect he is and I am nowhere even half as good. I am scared he'll leave me the moment someone better shows up.

"And you think running away from Tine and leaving him at home alone is the solution to that problem?"

"I — I don't know."

"Sarawat, listen to me carefully — Tine only loves you. If he didn't care for you or want you in his life, why would he go through all this trouble to make you fight for him? You are just an idiot who ran away at the first sign of trouble"

I didn't say anything back. I wanted everything Phukong said to be true, but my insecurities wouldn't let me. To me, Tine was like the sun, he shined too bright and I had no idea why Tine would want to be with someone like me. He was probably sleeping now, thinking about what a stupid guy I was.

"If you love him like you say, then make your words match your actions. Fight for him and stop running away. Sarawat, are you even listening to me?"

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