Ch 11: I can't share a bed with you

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Tine's POV

The elevator opened and sunlight broke my trance and assumptions. When we finally reached home, Sarawat carried me to the bedroom and put me down on our bed.

"You okay? Comfortable?" He fixed my pillow and put a blanket on me.

"Yeah. Yeah. I am okay. You don't need to worry so much you know."

"I want to worry about you. I do worry about you sometimes, you know"

I did not know what to make of his words. I did not know what to make of the way he looked at me. I thought we had a moment today and I thought Sarawat wanted to kiss me for a second, but may be it was just a fleeting emotion for him and now it was gone. He hadn't brought up what happened at the hotel room and I was definitely not going to be the one who brings it up, I already hate confrontations.

"You should worry about the people who matter to you Sarawat" — it was all I could say back to him.

And he just chuckled. "You are right. I should worry about people who matter to me and I do worry about the people who matter. Sit here on the bed, don't get up. I'll go and get you some pain medicines"

Sarawat left the room and I heard some scuffle. He soon came back with medicines in one hand and a glass of water in the other.

"Here are your meds, Tine. They are a little strong but I think they should help with your pain. I'll also put some hot compress on your foot. It should help with the swelling"I gulped the medicine in one go and gave the glass back to Sarawat, who was now biting his lower lip.

"Just lie down for sometime and try to catch up on sleep. It has been a long day. I'll make you some chicken soup"

"Wait — wait, do you want any help? I feel bad for making you do all the work."

"Tine, are you kidding me? You have already done all the work for today, very successfully if I might add. Now just lie down for someone. I'll wake you up when dinner gets ready."

Sarawat left the room again and lied down on the bed. I started feeling drowsy as soon as I closed my eyes.



When I woke up, Sarawat was sitting near the bed, looking intently at me. 'This was something I could get used to' was my very first thought

"Hey, how are you feeling now Tine?"

"Hey. What time is it?"

"Its about 8pm"

"Did I just sleep for 3 hours? You weren't wrong when you said the medicines were strong"

"Yeah. But did they help? How is the pain now?"

"Better. There is still a tinge of pain, but I think the swelling has gone down"

"Thats good. I put on the hot compress on your ankle a few times. You were so out because of the medicine, you probably didn't feel it"

"You did? Ah. Thanks, I guess. No I really didn't feel it"

"Should I get us some chicken soup? We can eat here in the bedroom"

"Yeah. Sounds like a good plan"

Sarawat brought in two bowls of chicken soup. He handed one to me and then sat on the chair opposite to the bed.

"Why are you sitting there? You know you can sit on the bed right? Its literally your own bed"

Sarawat took a deep breath. "I don't think I can sit on that bed with you and eat"

"Why? Do I make you uncomfortable?"

"No of course not. I feel very comfortable with you"


"Just... just eat your damn chicken soup already and tell me how it is? I spent over an hour making it"

"Everything you make is great, why do you even need validation anymore?" I took a sip out of my bowl. "Wow this chicken soup is amazing. Definitely one of your top five. I would put it right below the lasagna"

"Good. So, the run to the grocery shop did pay off" He smiled at me and went back to eating.

"Phukong told me about your mom, about how you stopped cooking lasagna, and about how much you had to go through just to take care of him. I am sorry I didn't tell you about this sooner. It wasn't exactly the kind of thing I would want to write on a note"

"He did, huh?" Sarawat was silent for a while, staring at his bowl. 

"I am sorry about your mom and I am happy that you are able to cook lasagna again"

Suddenly his frowned turned into a smile. "I am happy too that I can cook lasagna again for the people that I like, for the people that matter to me."

We smiled at each other and I took the last sip of my soup.

"You finished with the soup? I'll get you your medicines."

I took the pain medication and it knocked me out again. When I woke up, it was morning again. My ankle was back to normal and the house was eerily quiet — Sarawat wasn't here anymore.

Instead I found two notes on the bedside table stuck one after the other, along with a white envelope that said 'To Tine''

I am going to stay the night at my friends house and spend the weekend there. The couch isn't big enough for either of us and I wasn't sure if you would be comfortable sharing the bed with me. I thought about asking you (I really thought) but by the time I finished cleaning the dishes, you were already asleep and I didn't have the heart to wake you up. Btw, you look very cute in your sleep.

Thank you for spending the whole day with me, I'll always remember it. And thank you for helping me meet Phukong today, I honestly don't know what I would have done if you weren't with me.

PS - This letter is from Phukong. He gave it to me today but I completely forgot about it PPS - Food in the fridge for you. Don't eat Ramen. And take another pain killer if your ankle still hurts in the morning

 And take another pain killer if your ankle still hurts in the morning

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A/N: So we know what is going on in Tine's head, but what do you think about Sarawat? What's in his head?

This story has a special place in my heart. It makes me feel all squishy and happy whenever I write it. Just two broken people trying to heal themselves together

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