Chapter 27: I am Tine's boyfriend🔞

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Tine's POV

"I just told you I loved you and you are telling me you lied to me?"

"No, I am telling you I love and I am sorry I had to lie to you to make you realise that you can in fact speak up and fight for things you want"

"Okay." Sarawat got up from the sofa and walked into the bedroom.

Okay? Okay? What does that even mean?

I sat up and followed him inside. "Where are you going? Let's just talk it out Sarawat"

Sarawat was standing in the bedroom taking off his watch and putting his phone on the table.

"What's there to talk, Tine?"

He took off his sweatshirt and threw it in the laundry bag. Sarawat was now standing in the bedroom with his bare chest and just his jeans on, and now I was even more confused than ever.

"Wait, what are you doing?"

"Taking off my clothes." He opened the button of his jeans and every cell inside me started panicking.

"Sarawat, why are you taking off your clothes suddenly? I thought you were angry at me"

Finally, Sarawat stopped taking his jeans off and looked up. "I was angry." He walked towards me and I could feel the heat emiting from his bare chest. "I was angry when Phukong told me about his stupid plan in the car that you and him devised together. I felt like a fool.

But then the more I drove back home all alone in the car, the more I realised -- If you hadn't pulled all your tricks, no matter how torturing they were, I would never have told you I loved you."

"Does—does that mean you are not angry at me?"

Sarawat put his hands on my cheeks. "I was never angry at you, Tine. I was angry at myself. How could even Phukong clearly see that you liked me and yet I couldn't? I felt like the most oblivious and dense man on this planet"

"Wait—but just in the living room — You were shocked when I told you and you looked angry?"

Sarawat chuckled. "Yeah well, I can do a bit of acting too, you know."

He pressed his lips on mine and kissed me softly. But I still couldn't believe what he just said.

"Wait, no hold on, so what you are saying is, you know I tricked you the last few weeks and you are okay with it?"

"Yes Tine. You can trick me all you want. Seduce me all you want. Just don't lie to me ever again, okay?"

"Of course, I won't. I promise."

"By the way.." Sarawat snaked his arms inside my tshirt and traced my spine. "That first time we met, when I was in the bathroom and you came in — Was that one of your tricks too?"

"No. No. Obviously not." My breathing got uneven as I felt Sarawat put soft kisses on my neck. "I—I had met you the first time then."

"Good. Because if it was a trick I would have really regretted not making a move on you right then."

Sarawat threw me on the bed and got on top of me.

"Kiss me, Tine"

I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave Sarawat wet and sloppy kisses without caring about the need to breathe. I hadn't seen him for only a few hours, but it felt like days had passed. Sarawat kissed me back, his tongue dancing with mine.

I broke the kiss only to take my tshirt off and kissed him back again with the same fervour. I could feel Sarawat's hands all over my chest which stopped right at my nipples. I moaned into the kiss as Sarawat flicked my nub.

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