Chapter 16: Dinner with Tine

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Sarawat's POV

Heating up the coffee Tine left for me didn't work. It just tasted weird. I tried microwaving, heating it in a pan, and even adding more milk. It had already gone bad, and it was too late to fix it — much like my life.

So I gulped the whole cup of coffee in one take before instead. I wasn't going to just throw it out, Tine had made it for me, after all.

Still hungover, I started making some greasy noodles for quick dinner before leaving for office. It had almost become a habit to cook for two people since Tine moved. I would cook for Tine everyday of my life, if he just let me.

I couldn't remember much of last night. It was my first dinner out with Tine and I thought may be a drink or two would help with my nervousness. I had absolutely no clue that I would end up drunk by the end of the night.

I only remembered the night in some bits and pieces.

I remember Tine smiling at me.
I remember Tine carrying me to his car and strapping my seat belt.
I remember telling Tine I wished he was mine.
I remember trying to kiss Tine.
And I remember Tine pushing me away.

May be I had crossed a line last night. Tine has helped me more than anyone else in my life and all I did was try to kiss him drunk, like an absolute idiot.

The last thing I want is for Tine to feel uncomfortable in his own house and leave the apartment. I didn't deserve, Tine. I knew that much and its not like pouring my heart out would really make a difference. So, I decided to just stay as a supportive roommate and friend to him.

When I finished cooking dinner, I wrote a note for Tine, took a cold shower to clear my head, and left for office.

You woke up too early today, so I am guessing you must be super hungry by the time you get home. I made some prawn noodles and left them for you on the kitchen counter. Put it in the oven for 15 minutes before eating.

-- Sarawat

-- Sarawat

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The noodles were really nice. Phukong has agreed to keep me as his lawyer. Putting the copy of signed papers here for your reference. I'll also meet the attorney Mil Laedeke tomorrow who was incharge of Phukong's case

We should be able to file a reappeal in a week.



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