Chapter 20: I am scared of Tine

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"Forgive me lord, for I really, really want to sin"

Sarawat's POV

Tine had now hugged me so tightly, I couldn't wiggle out of his hold even if I wanted to without waking him up. But then again, I had absolutely no plans of getting out of his hold.

I liked his hands riding up my tshirt and his head perched up on my shoulder.

I liked his warmth and I liked his breath on me. It made me feel like I was finally home.

I wanted to hug him back and just sleep with him like last night.

The only problem? My body liked Tine's close proximity as much as my heart. My breath got shorter and I could feel my member hardening. Tine's bare chest was creating dangerous thoughts in my mind. I knew I would burn if I touched him and lose all the little sanity that I had left.

"Tine" I whispered in his ears. "You need to let me go and sleep on your side. I really can't let you go on my own. I am not that strong."

But Tine didn't move.

I stared at the ceiling because there was no way I could sleep like this. I stayed like that for hours, taking in Tine's touch and his smell. It was only when the sun finally came up that Tine started snoring lightly and turned to the other side of the bed.

I put Tine's blanket over him, and tucked him carefully, just in case he got cold. It was already 7am, Tine would probably wake up in an hour or two. And me? I would probably be thinking about Tine and his warm body that was pushed against me until a few minutes ago even in my dreams.



I could hear noises coming from the living room. Someone was talking really, really loudly. Tine, it was Tine.  That's when I opened my eyes in an instant. Still feeling groggy, I rushed straight outside the bedroom.

Tine was at the door yelling at a delivery guy who was holding a bouquet of flowers — Magnolias.

"Hey Tine, is something wrong?"

Tine turned back and noticed my presence. I could see the worry in his eyes. "Did I wake you up? I am so, so sorry"

"That's okay, I was about to wake up anyway" I wasn't. It was only 1pm and I had a splitting headache because of my lack of sleep. "What-whats wrong?"

"The security guard didn't stop the flower delivery guy like we told him the last time. Now, this guy insists that we accept the flowers or he might get fired"

"That's weird. I'll talk to the security again, and about these flowers..." I stepped near the front door to talk to the flower delivery guy directly. "We are not accepting these flowers. If your boss tries to fire you, we can talk to him directly and let him know we were the ones who refused delivery. But we are absolutely not accepting them. Now please leave before I call the security upstairs"

The delivery guy left after a few more minutes of bickering and Tine finally closed the door.

"Thank you for helping me out and sorry again for waking you up. I don't usually raise my voice that easily"

"Its okay, Tine. There is really nothing to apologise"

"You look so groggy. I think you should sleep for a few more hours."

"No. No. I am completely okay. Actually, I will be completely okay if I can have a cup of coffee made by you"

Tine smiled which made my heart feel all warm inside. "Sure. Why don't you go freshen up? I'll make coffee for you and order some lunch"

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