Chapter 14: Wish you were mine💋

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"Okay, let's go home then"

Tine's POV

I somehow managed to push Sarawat in my car's passenger seat. He kept giggling and insisting that we walk home instead of driving. It seemed like his drunk brain couldn't register the fact that our home was a 15-minute car ride away from the restaurant.

When I finally got into the driver's seat, I was already breaking sweat and out of breath.

"Sarawat, you are honestly pretty heavy"

He giggled again. "You didn't say that when I fell on top you in the bathroom"

"SARAWAT! What the hell!"

He didn't say anything else, Sarawat just closed his eyes and slumped into the seat. At this point, I didn't know if I liked drunk Sarawat or absolutely hated him for his downright honesty. At least he smiled more when he was drunk. This was the most I had seen him smile, ever. But then again, I had only met Sarawat a few times before. We talked everyday through our post-it notes so much that it felt like Sarawat was around me everyday. When in reality, it was probably our third time meeting face to face.

I was about to start the car when I noticed Sarawat wasn't wearing his seat belt. So, I leaned in to tie his seat belt, taking in Sarawat's intoxicating smell which was now mixed with whisky. But just when I grabbed his seat belt, Sarawat opened his eyes and smiled again.

"I like this" he whispered.

"What? The seat belt?"

"No. You"

I took a deep breath, put his seatbelt in place, and got back to my seat. Pulled down the car windows so I wouldn't be able to smell Sarawat so much and may be forget what he just said right now.

"You are drunk Sarawat. You shouldn't say things you don't mean. Go back to sleep. I will wake you up when we get home"

I finally started the car and steered towards our home. Sarawat was quiet during the whole ride but he didn't close his eyes again. He was just staring into nothingness out of the window. When we reached the building, I helped him get out of the car and he held on to me tightly with his arms around my waist.

We were just walking towards the elevtor when the security guard called me out. "Mr Tine! You had a delivery today!"

"Ah. Where's the package?" The guard was staring at Sarawat, who had his head on my shoulder and was only looking at me. "He just had too many drinks today"

"Oh. I have never seen Mr Sarawat come back home drunk in all the years he has lived here"

"Is that so?" I tried to ignore the guard's comment because I was too busy trying to hold Sarawat. "Where's the package?"

"Actually, I didn't accept the delivery. They were flowers and since you had instructed me not receive them, so I didn't. But I wanted to inform you anyway."

"Oh. Thanks for letting me know. Keep rejecting the flower deliveries if they come back again"

"Yes sir"

By the time we got to the apartment and I plopped Sarawat on the bed, I was drenched in sweat. Sarawat was a lot heavier than he looked.

When I looked back at him, Sarawat was lying on the bed, with his eyes closed, and lips perched, but he still wouldn't let go of me. He was holding me by waist, very tightly.

"Sarawat, let go of me and just sleep" I tried breaking away from his embrace, but he only hugged me tighter.

"Just a little while" Sarawat turned towards me and I could feel his breath on my neck.

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