Chapter 4: Sarawat, You Are Here? 🔥

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"Oh, you must be Tine! Sarawat told me about you. I am Phukong, his brother"
Tine's POV

"Ah. Yes, I am Tine. Sarawat told me nothing about you, but its nice to talk to you"

"He didn't. That assh*le.

Don't blame him though. May he is just too embarrassed his brother is in jail. I am just telling you straight up because you might have already realised this call came from the prison."

"Umm. Yes, I did realise that.

Phukong, I don't know you or your brother that well, but I am pretty sure he is not embarrassed of you. Sarawat and I haven't really met face to face. We have only exchanged a few messages. May be that's why he didn't mention you."

"Oh yeah, he mentioned you work morning shifts. But you guys didn't even cross paths? He usually leaves for office around 5.30pm, I got a little late calling him today"

"Is that so? I got home early today but usually I come back by 8pm or sometimes even 10. I feel more like a slave than a lawyer on most days."

"You are a lawyer, huh? So.. aren't you curious?"

"Curious about what?"

"About why I am in jail.."There was a pause. I took a deep breath and finally spoke up again. "Phukong, its not my place to ask. You can tell me if you want, but I wouldn't want to push you for answers"

"Hmm. Its a long story anyway..

Tell me Tine, what delicious food are you going to have for dinner? I have been in jail for 3 months and I have forgotten what good food even tastes like"

"Since I got home early today, may be I'll order some fried rice. But usually I am so tired when I get home that its just Ramen for me. Though Sarawat did leave some amazing lasagna for me in the fridge a few days ago and it was the highlight of my week."

"Sarawat made lasagna? Are you sure it was lasagna?" I could feel the shock in his voice.

"Of course I am sure it was lasagna. I ate the entire tray full of lasagna myself. Is it that surprising..?"

"Its just.. Sarawat hasn't made his famous lasagna since mom died. But good for him, may be he has finally started to let go of the grief. It was hard for both of us, but harder on Sarawat because he had to suddenly grow up and take care of me."

"How long has it been.. if you don't mind me asking?"

"About 3 years now. I am 19 now, Sarawat is only 6 years older than me, and yet, he has always taken care of my like a parent. But here I am causing more problems for him"

"Phukong, I don't think you are causing any—"

"My 10-minutes are almost up. Can I write you a letter, Tine? I want to share my side of the story — how and why I ended up in jail. Not just because you are lawyer, but because you are my brother's roommate and you seem like a good guy. I don't even know if you can help, but I would want to hear your opinion about it"

"Ah. Sure. I would want to help anyway that I can"

"Great. I'll give the letter to Sarawat the next time he comes visits me. Good bye. It was really nice talking to you."

"Same here Phukong"

When I put down the phone, there was a smile on my face. It felt nice talking to someone so close to Sarawat. Phukong sounded like such great kid and Sarawat was an amazing big brother. I wonder what went wrong suddenly. I wanted to know more about Phukong's case, but I needed Sarawat's permission first.

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