Chapter 17: I'll see you at home, Tine

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I saw Tine park his car near the entrance of the restaurant and walk out in a navy blue suit and tie. And for a second, may be just for a second, my heart skipped a beat

Could I pretend he was mine just for a little while?

Sarawat's POV

Tine walked right towards me. He was saying something, but I couldn't make much of it. I couldn't hear anything. I fell into a trance just staring at him. I kept wishing for another world, where I didn't have a pathetic life and Tine actually liked me back. We would meet at a restaurant like this to have a date, I would kiss him and take him home.

But at last, this was reality, we were just roommates. Tine would go back home and I would go back to my office.

"Sarawat? Hey? Where are you lost?" Tine waved his hands around and it finally broke my trance.

"Sorry, I was just thinking of something else."

"That's okay. Shall we go in? I have had a long day and I am starving"

"Yes absolutely. Lets go inside"

Tine chose a table near the corner. It was a Sushi restaurant with a cozy ambience — dim lighting and comfortable seating. We were still too early for dinner and there were only a few tables occupied.

"Won't you get late for work by the time we finish eating?" Tine looked at his watch and right back at me with worry in his eyes.

"Its okay." I smiled back at him. "I already told my team I would be a few hours late"

"Your boss must really like you"

"Well, technically I am one of the bosses? I am the Head of Development in my company. I lead the whole IT development team and I answer directly to the startup founders. Nobody usually minds if I am a bit late, as long as I get the work done"

"Seriously? Sarawat, I had absolutely no idea you were such a big deal in your company. You usually dress like an intern, you know"

I chuckled. "I do. You are right. People don't really care what you wear when you are in a startup. And I am not that big of a deal — Its a small company anyway, we have hardly 100 employees in total"

"But still, you must be really good at your job. And by the way, you look so much better in that white shirt than your usual sweatshirts. It suits you. Its suits your position. You should wear that often"

Now, I'll definitely be wearing this shirt more often. Whatever Tine likes, I'd do it over and over again.

Before I could respond, the waitress came over to our table to take our order.

"Did you decide on what you want to order Sarawat?"

"Ah. I am not sure. You wanted to come here. Just order whatever you think would be good." He smiled back and ordered a bunch of dishes with weird names that I just couldn't guess. "I am going to have a beer. Do you want something to drink?" He winked at me. I know he was trying to take a dig at me.

"No, I think I drank my fair share last weekend, plus I have to work. You can go ahead and order your drink"

When the waitress left, Tine decided to make me lose my mind. He took off his blazer and put it over the empty chair on the table. Slowly, he loosened his tie to open the top collar button of his shirt. If that wasn't enough, he then proceeded to open his cuffs and pull up his shirt sleeves.

And for a few seconds, I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. I couldn't even remember where I was or who I was. All I wanted to do was kiss Tine and take him back home, to my bed.

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