Ch 36: I Like November (Final Chapter)

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Sarawat's POV

When I opened my eyes, I could see a white wall ceiling which definitely wasn't our apartment. Looked around and realised it was probably some hospital. There were bandages around my shoulder and stomach, and a drip connected to my hand-- And of course, there was Phukong playing games on his phone without even caring for his brother.

"Phu—Phukong, where is Tine?" Dammit, I didn't realise just speaking out would take so much strength.

"Oh my god, you are finally up!!! Wait, let me call the doctor.

NURSE! NURSE! Somebody get down here please, now!"

"Can you not yell? My head fucking hurts."

"Oh. Yeah. I am. Sorry."

"Why do I have so many bandages and why do I feel so dizzy?"

"Bandages because you were stabbed, Sarawat. And I don't know why you are feeling dizzy. May be because you skipped lunch?" Phukong raised his eyebrows and I had no idea if he was being serious or kidding."

"Just call a damn doctor here already and start paying attention to whatever they teach you in school for god's sake."

Phukong shook his head and went out to call for someone. A doctor and a few nurses finally came inside to check up on me.  

"Mr Guntithanon, you came here around afternoon with a stab wound on your shoulder and on your stomach. You were unconscious initially because of the blood loss, and then you were mainly sleeping due to the medications we gave. The wound on your shoulder is already heeling well. It was a short cut and didn't even need any stitches. The wound on your stomach, however, was a big concern.

The knife used was probably small, which is why it couldn't go deeper or else it could have been life threatening. We had to put 12 stitches on your stomach, but I don't think they will leave a scar.

We thought you had lost a lot of blood just looking at your clothes and honestly we didn't think we would be able to save you, but then we realised it wasn't your blood — it was your attacker's blood. You put a good fight champ."

"When can I leave?"

"If all goes well, you should be all good to go home in three or four days at the most. Oh and I have also given your hospital report to your lawyer and the prosecutor handling this case."


"Tine is dealing with it, Wat. You don't have worry about all that." Phukong mumbled.

"Okay Mr Guntithanon. Then I'll see you tomorrow on my rounds again. Let me know if you face any discomfort or pain. We will be giving you a pain killer tonight so you will be able to sleep better."

"Thanks doctor" 

The doctor left. Phukong sat on the sofa in the room and pretended to get busy on his phone again.

"Phukong, where the hell is Tine?"

"He is handling things. He will be back when he is done handling things."

"What does that even mean? Give me my phone."

Phukong sighed and handed my phone back to me. "Tine won't pick up. He is probably in a meeting handling things."

"WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?" I tried getting up but suddenly felt a big pang of pain in my stomach. "Ah..."

"Just stay down, will you? Do you want to stay here in this hospital forever?"

"Just shut up and sit there quietly. I picked up my phone and saw the hundred phone calls from Tine's number. It was from the morning. He was trying to call me while I was with Green in the apartment. I can't believe I was stupid enough to forget my phone in the car.

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