Chapter 10: Miss me, Tine?

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Sarawat hugged me even tighter. "Thank you so much, Tine. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't with me.

Tine's POV

I took a few steps back to balance myself as Sarawat hugged me tightly. I could feel his breath on my neck and my restraint was running out with every second. "Uhh. I didn't—didn't do much, to be honest"

"You helped me a lot today and you--"

Sarawat was saying a lot of words but I couldn't hear any of them. All I could hear was his breath on my neck. All I could feel wereh arms around my waist. My heart was racing faster. I had to — I needed to stop it. I didn't deserve a guy like Sarawat in my life. Sarawat already had too many problems in his life and I didn't want to add on to them. I had to stop imagining all the things in my head.

"Umm.. shall we get going then?" I interrupted him midway and he finally broke the hug.

"Yeah. Yeah. Lets head home"

Home. We shared a home. I forgot about that. He usually spent his weekends travelling, but he was heading back because of me. Does that mean he would stay the night? 

My brain was coming up with two very opposing answers and I didn't want to think about either of them. So, I sat in the car and blasted the music that Sarawat had recommended me last week. Throughout the ride, Sarawat kept turning towards me and smiling at me — ear to ear, if I might add. I got goosebumps every time he looked at me.

When he looked at me again the dozenth time, I had to finally ask. "Why are you smiling at me like that, Sarawat?"

"You looked.. you looked so different at the prison when you put on your leather jacket and turned your lawyer mode on" He said animatedly.

"Different, really? Different how? Different, in a good way or in a bad way?"

"Different in a ... very, very hot way"

Shocked and slightly embarrassed by his answer, I just turned my head towards the car window to hide my now very visible blush. I am trying to get over my crush and my roommate isn't making it any easier. Luckily, we got home a few minutes which saved me all the extra embarrassment.

As I got out of the car and put my foot on the ground, I felt sudden excruciating pain radiating through my whole left leg. "Ahh. fucking hell." The pain was so bad I almost lost balance.

"What? What happened? Is it your ankle?" Sarawat got out from the car and ran towards my side.

"Umm.. I think so. Fuck, I think it got worse with no movement in the car"

Sarawat bent down to check my foot. "Tine, what the hell? Your ankle is completely swollen. Why didn't you say anything before?"

"It didn't really pain until I tried to walk."

"Dammit, hold on to me first." Sarawat put my arms around his waist, just like he did at the beach. "Lets get home. You need some serious rest."

Sarawat helped carry me to the apartment and I could still feel his breath on me, again — and it gave me goosebumps. So, so, many goosebumps.

When we reached the lobby of the building, there was a bouquet of magnolias on the reception desk and I already knew it was for me. Before I could even say anything, Sarawat had started yelling at the security. "For fuck's sake, I told you not to accept those flower deliveries for my apartment anymore."

"Sir.. The-the delivery boy insisted that I deliver it to Mr Tine" "Is there a note?" I finally asked. "Ah yes. There seems to be me" The guard picked the note out from the bouquet.

I stumbled towards the reception, slowly and steadily. I took the note from the guard and stared directly at him.

"Why have you been accepting deliveries from an unknown flower delivery service when we clear told you not to? They might not even be a real company or they might be spying on us -- Do you know the implications of accepting these deliveries? You become an accessory to the crime. There can be a civil case brought against you."

"No.. sir. I--I really didn't know it was this serious. The delivery guy said the flowers were important and they must be delivered directly to you"

"If the delivery boy tries to insists the next time, just tell him I will file a case against him and his company because I am legally allowed to decline these deliveries. Also, note down his name and the name of his company"

"Oh-okay. Sure. I will do that sir"

I stared at the note the guard gave me and didn't know what to do anymore. All it said was

Miss me, Tine?"

He know where I worked

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He know where I worked. He knew where I lived. It was only a matter of time until he showed up in front of me. I should have had a plan by now to deal with him. But I didn't. I had no idea what I would do if he showed up again and tried to wreck my life.

"Tine, are you okay?"

Sarawat's voice brought me back to reality . "Yeah. Yeah. I am fine. Lets just go upstairs."

We got inside the lift and neither of us said a word. I was holding on to Sarawat by his waist — not because I needed to, but because I wanted to. His smell, his aura, his presence, it calmed me down and made me feel like my life could be a little better with him around. May be, may be for a few seconds I could assume he was mine and I could hold on to him like he belong to me.

The elevator opened and sunlight broke my trance and assumptions. This isn't a dream. This is a reality where my ex continues to haunt me and I have no place in Sarawat's life


A/N: Sorry for the late update guys. I got stuck on a scene and lost my inspiration.

But, I am back -- with TWO new chapters!

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