Chapter 23: I love keeping grudges

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"I don't mind. Its not like I have something or someone to come home to. Anyways, shall we head inside?"

Tine's POV

Sarawat walked towards the prison entrance, but I was still standing there at my spot trying to understand his sudden change in behavior. Was he angry? Was he jealous? Or was he just sleep deprived?

"If he wanted someone to come home to, may be that damn fool should have spoken up." I muttered under my breath and walked quickly ahead when I realised Sarawat was going the wrong way.

"Sarawat" I shouted to stop him. "You are going in the wrong direction. That's the way to the visitor's room. I need to go to the prison guard's room to get his signature. They will only process Phukong's bail after that"

Sarawat stared at me in confusion. He looked so cute in his half-sleepy state, I would have hugged him if I wasn't angry at him right now. "Wait, aren't all the processes done yet? Its almost time for Phukong to get out"

"It is. But the prison guard hasn't signed on the papers yet. I have been waiting for him outside for almost an hour and a half. They said he was on a lunch break."

"Who takes that long of a lunch break?"

"The same guard who wouldn't let you see Phukong when he got injured inside the prison."I saw worry suddenly build up on his brows. He was definitely overthinking again.

"You-you don't think he'll create any problems for Phukong, do you? He was pretty pissed that way"

"He couldn't even if he wanted to. I have the judges orders right here." I signalled to the file in my hands. "And you have the best lawyer in Bangkok, right here."I smiled at Sarawat and saw a faint smile cracking through his cold exterior. "Let's go get Phukong out."

I headed towards the main prison guard's office and Sarawat followed my footsteps. We were outside the office when a admin staff stopped us. "You can't go inside. Sir is busy."

"Watch me." I pushed the admin, opened the door to the guard's office. The guard who was

definitely not on his lunch break, just like I expected. He was just sitting there, killing time.

"Hey, its Ron, right? How have you been?"

"How-how did you come inside? Please leave I am on break"

"Yes, I am sure you are pretty busy on your 'break' so I will only take 30 seconds of your time. My client Phukong Guntithanon is getting out today. I am sure you have already been notified of that. All you have to do is sign on these papers to process him and I'll be out of your way."

"Not going to happen today. I am very busy and I am about to go on a half day leave. You can try your luck tomorrow"

Try my luck? He is surely trying his luck today.

I smirked."So, let me get this straight — After almost two hours of lunch break, you are going on a half day leave, huh? You sure you are not trying to ignore me Ron, I travelled so far just to see your beautiful face."

"I don't care. I am not signing these papers today. You can come tomorrow and try. I can't help you at all, you need to leave or I'll make things even more difficult for you"

"Tine.. lets just go and.." I heard Sarawat call me from behind, who was still standing at the door. I didn't look back at him. I just raised my arm to stop him from speaking. This wasn't the time for emotions.

I put my hands on the table. "Are you sure you want to do things the hard way, Ron? I already have the judges orders with me. All you have to do is sign it nicely and we can all go our way. The most you can do is delay it to tomorow — when you would be forced to sign on these papers. But by delaying this process just because 'you are too busy' to sign on a paper that takes less than 30 seconds, you will end up on my bad side.

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