Chapter 15: I want All or Nothing

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Tine's POV

I reached office at 8am and it was almost all empty except for the cleaning staff. May be it was the nervousness of facing Sarawat after his drunken kiss, or the fact that I could hardly sleep last night hearing Sarawat's heart beat — But I just couldn't sleep last night.

I could feel his chest rising up and falling down, and to me it felt almost hypnotising. I can pretend all I want that Sarawat was holding me too tightly all night and I just couldn't get out of his hold, but the truth was, I didn't want to get out his hold. I wanted to stay there, feeling his touch and hearing his heart beats.

Turning on my work laptop, I tried to clear my mind and let go of all the thoughts of last night. I was supposed to go meet Phukong post lunch and I needed to prepare all the documents for that. I had already told my boss I would be taking on a personal case, but that meant working extra hours to make sure none of my office work got delayed.

By the time I finished all my pending work for the day, it was already 3pm and I picked up my bag to drive to prison, when suddenly my phone buzzed — It was Sarawat. I debated for a few seconds whether I should even pick up his call or not. He might want to talk about last night, and I absolutely don't want to talk about last night. No, Tine. He is your roommate and you are handling his brother's case. You need to pick up his call.

So, that's what I did. I picked up the call, started walking towards the parking lot, and waited for him to speak.

"Good morning" His voice was still groggy, but it made me smile.

"Good afternoon to you too. Did you just wake up? Its 3pm "

"Yeah. I just woke up a while ago. The night shifts have made it very difficult for me to wake up early. When did you leave?"

"Umm.. Around 8am. How are you feeling? Do you have a headache?"

"Just a bit. I am trying to heat up the coffee you left for me and hoping it tastes at least half as good as it does when you freshly brewed it"

"Ah. I am sure its gone bad by now. Just make a new one instead"

"Na. I like your coffee. I'll have it either way." There was a silence on the phone for a few seconds and Sarawat finally spoke up again. "Hey Tine?"


"I didn't make a mistake while I was drunk last night, did I? I honestly had a drink after so many months and it got to my head to quickly"

"Do you.. do you think you made a mistake last night?"

"I hope not." Sarawat chuckled.

"Then you didn't make a mistake last night, Sarawat. Don't think so much about it. By the way, I am just leaving for prison to meet Phukong. Do you want me to give him any message?"

"Just tell him that he has to be nice to you and agree to everything you say"

"Ummm.. That's not exactly a message"

"It is a very important message for Phukong. And can you checkup on his injuries too? He told me he was doing much better on the phone but I haven't met him face to face since that day we went to the prison together."

"Yes, absolutely you don't have to worry about that. I'll let you know. Umm, I need to go drive now. I'll talk to you later then.

"Yeah. Yeah. Of course. I'll see you later then?"

"I'll see you when I see you, Sarawat. Have a good day"

I put down my phone and shut my car door with a huge bang. I don't know what I was expecting Sarawat to say, but I didn't expect he would talk to me like last night just didn't happen.

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