Chapter 29: You are my home, Tine

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"Sarawat, stop please! You can't hit him! Please don't hit him! Get away from him right now!"

"Are you seriously trying to protect this jerk right now, Tine?" 

Tine's POV

Sarawat was so close to beating up Green, I had no idea how to get him in control. This was the first time I had ever seen him this angry. I could see red in his eyes and for a moment, I was actually scared of him. So, I did what I could do — I physically pulled him away from Green and practically begged him to stop.

"Are you seriously trying to protect this jerk right now, Tine?" 

That's what he asked me. He was so angry he couldn't even understand that it was him I was trying to protect.

"Are you seriously trying to ask me that? Let's just go home, Sarawat." I pulled his hand and looked back at Green. "And Green, you better stay away from me or this time, I might just end up telling your father everything you have been up to."

I practically shoved Sarawat inside his car and we finally drove away. Though, Sarawat didn't say anything in the car, and I had no idea what to say to him. I was so overwhelmed with everything that had happened in the last 15 minutes that I was still trying to process it in my head.

May be, once we reach the restaurant, I can finally have a calm conversation with Sarawat.

But instead of going to the restaurant, Sarawat had driven us back home and we were at the entrance of our building.

"Why are we back home, Sarawat? I thought we were going for dinner."

"Why did you protect him, Tine? Why didn't you just let me hit him?"

"Seriously, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" This time it was me who lost all of his patience and temper. "I know you tend to overthink a lot, but Sarawat do you really not see why I stopped you?"

"All I see is you trying to protect your ex." Sarawat huffed.

"Oh god, I think we are done for the day." I pushed the car door open and got out.

"Yeah, I think you are right. I'll see you later." Sarawat closed the car door and sped off, leaving me right there on the road.

I had no idea where he went or when he would come back home. All I could do was wait for him to get home. So, I went back to the apartment and tried to calm myself down. I had seen Green after almost 4 months, and he had somehow managed to ruin my life all ever again. Four months of continuous trying to get my life back to normal, and Green had ruined it all in a single day -- That's how toxic he was and I had no idea how to completely get away from him. I had ran and ran, and yet here I was, again, in the same situation where my life was shattering in front of my eyes with no escape in sight.

I thought, and I really thought this time would be different. I had Sarawat with me after all, but maybe I was all wrong. May be Sarawat had finally realised how complicated my life was and ran away for good.

I took a long shower to clear my head. and heard my phone ringing as I got out of the bathroom. I raced out hoping it was Sarawat, but realised it was Phukong instead.

"Hey Phukong, all good?"

"No, it's not even close to good, Tine. Tell me exactly why my brother is back here again"

"Sarawat's there? With you? In your hometown? He drove all the way there?"

"I leave you guys alone for 24 hours and you have already messed things up. What happened?"

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