Chapter 28: Why are you protecting him?

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I tilted my head, still waiting for more of an explanation. "Sorry, who are you?"

"I am Tine's boyfriend"

Sarawat's POV

His sudden declaration shook me and it took everything in me to hide my true emotions of complete anger. The magnolias, the blatant disregard for others — He was obviously Tine's ex. But why was he calling Tine his boyfriend?

In that split second, I decided to go with my gut feeling. Tine might wake up any second and I needed this jerk to leave before he saw Tine in the house.

"Okay man, that was a weird thing to tell a complete stranger. I don't care who you are or who your boyfriend is. What I want to know is why are you standing at my door at 8am in the morning?"

He laughed. "I know Tine lives here. Just let me in, I'll talk to him directly."

He tried to get inside the door, but I blocked the entrance with my arm completely. The audacity of this jerk.

"Listen man. I don't know who this Tine is or why you are so obsessed with him, but I live here alone. And I think it would be better if you leave already before I call security and file a case against you for trespassing"

He was taken aback and his confidence finally started to falter. "But—but I was told he lives here only... I sent flowers"

"I am not sure who told you what." I pushed him away from the door. "Maybe you should call your boyfriend directly and ask him for his address. That is, if you actually have a boyfriend." That's when I shut the door on his face and breathed a sigh of relief.

I waited near the door for a while, looking through the peep hole to make sure this crazy jerk left for good. When I finally saw him take an elevator to the ground, I went back to the bedroom. Tine had woken up and he looking at me with squinty and sleepy eyes. If I just hadn't met his ex on the door, I would have most definitely pounced on Tine again, but not right now. I needed to have a more important discussion with him.

"Hey.. good morning! Who was at the door?"

I was still standing near the bed. Too afraid to lose all my conviction to talk if I joined Tine in bed. "Ummm.. nobody. A delivery guy who got the address wrong"

"Oh... You talked to him for a pretty long time."

"Yeah... Anyways, listen Tine. I know yesterday I said I wanted to take you out on a dinner before we start dating officially, but I have realised I can't wait that long.

So, I have a better offer for you — How about I make you a delicious breakfast right now and you agree to be my boyfriend?"

Tine chuckled. "Feels like I am getting the short end of the stick. You won't even take me out for dinner, huh?"

"Short end of the stick, really? After what we did in this bed last night?" I laughed. "I'll take you out whenever you want, wherever you want. I just... I just don't want to wait to call you mine. I feel like have waited enough."

Tine sat up on the bed and smiled. "Okay, but I have one condition..."

"What is it? I'll do anything!"

"Stop taking up night shifts at work. I want to see you home when I come back in the evening and I want to eat all your delicious food while it's still hot."

"Tine.. I can't change it up so quickly. Give me a few months, I will talk to the boss about this."

"Months, huh? Okay, then I guess we can talk about dating after a few months too."

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