Chapter 5: Meeting Sarawat❤️

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Tine's POV

"Tine, are you okay?"

I could feel Sarawat's breath on my neck when my name escaped his mouth. My senses finally came back to me and I was finally aware of the fact that his hands were around my waist.

Heat was building up inside me, my heart was beating faster, and a current passed through my spine, sending shudders though my body. 

I knew Sarawat was naked in the shower. Every inch of me wanted to look down to see Sarawat completely. To take it all in. But also knew that if I did, I would probably not be able to control my self.

So, I tried getting out of Sarawat's hold, but in doing so, I twisted my ankle and lost my balance again. But this time, I made Sarawat lose his balance too and fell right on top of him.

This time, Sarawat was the one breathing heavily, looking directly into my eyes. I could feel our members touching and I know he could feel it too.

I could hear Sarawat's heart beat getting faster and his lips quivered. It was clear both of us could feel the tension in the room, but neither of us were ready to acknowledge it.

Sarawat closed his eyes. "Tine.. you really need to get up right now in like five seconds because if you dont—"

"Up and up. I am UP " I mustered all the strength that I had to get up and run out of the shower. I didn't even care to look back where Sarawat was. I went straight into my room and wore my clothes. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down and forget all the feelings I just experienced.

When I got out of the room, I saw Sarawat standing in the living room with a towel around his waist, and all the feelings I had just tried to forget came running right back to me.

"Oh. You got dressed already? That quick." He scanned me up and down. "Umm. Tine. I am so sorry this happened. I didn't realise the time I guess and I got late"

Is he really apologizing for this? Its not even his fault.

"Sarawat, its only 4pm. I should be the one apologizing. I had a fucked up day at the office and I came home directly. I was in my own head and I completely forgot you would be at home at this time. I am sorry for making you feel uncomfortable in your own house."

"Tine, you could never make me uncomfortable. In fact, its really nice finally meeting you face to face.." Sarawat looks down at the floor and smirks. "No matter how weirdly we met"

I chuckled. "Yeah. Its really nice to finally meet you too. Though I would have liked it if we were both wearing clothes"

"I honestly didnt mind though." He was smiling brightly at me. "So...What happened today?"


"You said you had a bad day that made you forget everything?" Sarawat sat on the sofa and his towel slid up a little over his thighs.

I looked down and back up again. "Don't you-- dont you have to wear clothes and get ready to go to office"

"You just said its only 4pm, I have more than an hour to get ready and leave.

Why? Does seeing me in a towel not work for you? Do you prefer me without a towel?"

He was smirking. He was officially smirking.

"SARAWAT!" My eyes got bigger. "Thats not what I meant and you know it."

"Do I?" Sarawat relaxed on the sofa and the towel slid up even higher on his thighs.

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