Chapter 33: Why don't you love yourself?

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"Seriously guys, I was away for like 20 mins. How did you even get drunk this quickly?"

Tine's POV

I have no idea what Fong and Sarawat discussed while I was gone. All I knew was that they drank all the tequila shots on the table and now they were clinging to each other like they were the best of friends. I swear, if Fong wasn't my best friend and I wasn't completely sure he was super straight, I would have probably punched him for holding onto Sarawat's waist like that.

"Sarawat, you should come home with me." yelled Fong while he was still hugging Sarawat.

Sarawat giggled and looked at me. "Tine, can I go to Fong's house? He's my new friend."

"WHAT? NO! Absolutely not. We are going back home, our home.

Ohm, you take Fong home. Puek, can you take my car and park it in my building? I'll drive Sarawat's car and take him home with me."

"But your apartment is in the other direction, Tine! I'll only take your car if you pay for my taxi and pay the bill here."

"Puek, What the hell? You are a corporate lawyer and you literally make double the money as me. Stop ripping me off."

"You can take the deal or leave your car here – or Sarawat could go to Fong's house" Puek shrugged his shoulders.

"Fine. I'll go clear out the bill." I mumbled. This was supposed to be Fong's party and here I am paying for their drunken mess. "Can you at least take them both outside? AND PLEASE MOVE THEM AWAY FROM EACH OTHER!"

"God, I have never seen you this jealous, Tine."

"Just stop talking already Puek."

As I paid the bill and walked outside the bar towards our cars, I noticed that Ohm and Puek had at least managed to separate Fong and Sarawat. They were hugging each other anymore.

Just as Sarawat noticed me, he smiled and ran towards me. "GUYS! IT'S MY BOYFRIEND, TINE!" Suddenly he jumped on to me and put a light peck on my lips. I felt like a fool in love because the only thing on my mind was the fact that we hadn't even seen each other or kissed each other in days. He was a drunken mess but I still loved him for all his goofiness.

"Wow. Ohm, who is this guy kissing Tine on the lips?" Fong's sudden stupid question made me remember we had a whole audience looking at us.

"SHUT UP AND GO HOME, FONG!" I yelled and practically dragged Sarawat to his car. "Puek, call me when you reach my building. I'll wait for you in the parking lot."

Sarawat seemed giddy all through the car ride. He pulled down the car windows, started blasting music on the stereo and was smiling all along.

"You know, Wat, I really like how happy you get every time you drink. It's like all the weight of the world gets lifted from your shoulder."

"It does, doesn't it?" He reached over and kissed my cheek.

"What was that for?"

"I just remembered how much I love."

" Babe, you sound really drunk." " I pulled the car in our building's parking lot. "Just wait for a little while. We'll go home as soon as Puek comes." We sat there in silence for some time, waiting for Puek to arrive. Sarawat had closed his eyes and I assumed he had dozed off.

"Tine, what would you do if someone tried to attack me?" Sarawat was up again, but his happy mood had suddenly gone sullen.

"Attack you? How? Did Fong try to attack you? He's such a stupid ass when drunk"

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