Chapter 18: Sharing the bed with Tine

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Sarawat's POV

I couldn't focus on work. I couldn't focus on the conversations around me. I couldn't even speak to people. My mind was filled with images of Tine — on my bed. I was too nervous to go home, and yet somehow, I couldn't wait to finish up the work and go home to Tine.

I was going home to Tine. I wish I could say that sentence everyday of my life.

For the first time since I started my night shifts, I left office at 5am, instead of 7am. It didn't make sense to stay in the office anyway since there was no way I could actually focus on my work.

It was still dark outside when I reached home and pitch black inside the apartment, except a small light that was coming from the bedroom. I walked silently and peaked inside — there was a small night lamp open on Tine's side of the bed and a huge law book kept on his bedside table.

He was probably reading up before sleeping, huh?

That's when my eyes went to Tine and my heart skipped a beat for the second time in the day. He was crawled up on his side of the bed, wearing a tank top which was clearly too tight for him, and a pair for shorts. His blanket was lying on the floor.

"I swear this boy will be the death of me"

He was making me feel a lot of things at once and it took everything in me to just stand there and not touch him. So, I did the only thing I thought was right — I picked up the blanket, tucked Tine properly, and closed the night lamp so that I would at least not see how sexy Tine looked, even though I knew it very well in my head.

Then, I went inside the bathroom to finally catch some breath and change my clothes. I don't know how long I will need to share a bed with, Tine but this is going to be the most difficult thing I have done in my whole life — and I have had to do a lot of difficult things. I looked in the mirror and splashed some water on my face to shake all the feelings.

"He is your roommate, Sarawat. He is too good for you. And he is definitely not interested in you" I repeated the line a few times before finally settling down on my bed. My sudden shift in bed made Tine shift too. He turned to my side, and threw away is blanket again. This time, on my side of the bed.

"Tine, you seriously sleep like a kid."  I picked the blanket to tuck Tine in again, but before I could do that, Tine crawled on my side and hugged me — taking me by utter surprise.

"Tine.." I whispered trying to push him a little. Actually, no I'd be lying if I said I tried to push Tine. I couldn't in my whole life push Tine away from me when he hugged me like this. I was an idiot, but not a sadist. I just hoped, and really hoped, Tine would let go of me himself.

"Tine, we can't. I shouldn't.." But Tine didn't let go. He only hugged me tighter and burried his head in my neck. I could feel his breath and his soft, pillowy lips on my neck.

I should have let him go. For all I know, Tine may be imagining I am a damn pillow in his sleep. But I didn't want to get out of Tine's embrace, not yet. I liked the way he smelled, I liked the way his body curved around my body, and I liked hearing his calming heartbeat.

Could I pretend he was mine for a little while?

There was no way for me to fight my feelings any more. Tine had taken over every rational corner of my mind, so I did what I really wanted to do — I covered Tine with my own blanket and wrapped my arms around him.

"Tine, I like you so much. I feel like I could die sometimes." I whispered so lightly, even the walls wouldn't hear me.

I thought being so close to Tine would make me even more nervous. Instead, hugging Tine made me feel more relaxed than I had felt, in a long, long time. I felt at home. Like, this is where I was supposed to be all my life.

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