Chapter 26: You lied to me, Tine?

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"I don't care for food now. I would just like to understand what this situation is?" He asked pointing at our hands. "Wait.. are you guys finally dating now?"

Sarawat's POV

I smacked Phukong's head and sat down. "I will be dating Tine when I take him out on an official date once you are officially gone."

I looked at Tine to make sure he was okay with it and he just smiled and nodded.

"Look at you! Finally found someone and you are already trying to kick me out, huh?"

Tine chuckled and patted Phukong's shoulder. "Nobody is trying to kick you out, Phukong. In fact, I don't know why you are leaving so early. Stay for a few days here."

"Bangkok reminds me of too many bad things now. I want to go stay back and start school again as soon as possible. Also, I think it would be in the best interest of all three of us if I am not at the apartment tonight."

"Phukong!" I smacked his head again. "You can forget your monthly allowance if you say that again."

"Okay. Okay. Fine. Lets just finish our dinner and leave"

When we finally walked outside the restuarant, I was still holding Tine's hand and I didn't want to let go off him at all.

"You sure you don't want to come with me? My aunt's house is a 4-hour ride from here. Its 10pm right now, so we should be back by 2am. I promise good food and good company on the way."

Tine smiled. "You just met Phukong after months. You deserve some alone time with him. And I still need to go pick up my stuff from Fong's place."

"What? You are going back to his house again? TINE!"

"I am only going there to pick up my stuff, so I can come back home." Tine squeezed my hand lightly. "I'll see you at home, okay? Don't get too late and drive safe. Call me if you get too sleepy while driving back."

"Okay, I will. But don't wait up for me. Sleep, if you are tired. Its been a long day."

Out of nowhere, Phukong suddenly walked in between us. "You know who has really had the longest day here guys? The person who just got out of jail after after damn months and would really like to sleep on a comfortable bed tonight."

"Yes, we are leaving, Phukong. There is no need to be over dramatic. I'll see you at home, Tine"

Phukong hugged Tine. "Thank you for saving me Tine, and for saving Sarawat. If he acts like an asshole, let me know and I'll put some sense into him."


"I will, Phukong. You take care of yourself and be good in school. Come back to visit anytime."

Tine drove his car back home and we got into my car to head towards our hometown. For almost half of the ride Phukong was either blasting music in the car or fiddling on his smartphone.



"What are you even doing on your phone?"

"Just catching up with some old friends"

"You need to be very careful about who you let into your life from here on."

"I know. I know. I have learned my lesson the hard way"

"And you are not allowed to date"

"Excuse me, WHAT?"

"You can't date. At least not until you are in college when I think you are mature enough to be a good judge of character."

"But what if I found someone who was really nice, responsible, and had a good job?"

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