Chapter 7: The Beach Trip

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"Hey Tine, are you at home?"

"Who? What?"

"Uh. Its Sarawat, I need to come home to grab some clothes. Were you sleeping? I am sorry I woke you up."

Tine's POV

"No. No. No." I sprung right up from the bed. "I was already up anyway. You can come come by"

"This early? Okay great. I am just leaving office. I'll reach in 10 minutes or so"

"Sure. See you then"

I disconnected the call and checked the time — It was seven fucking thirty AM. Dammit, Sarawat

I rushed to the bathroom to brush my teeth quickly and right when I put my morning coffee on the stove, I heard the front door open.

"Morning" Sarawat was looking too bright for someone who had just worked through the night.

"Morning to you too. I am just making some coffee. Do you want some too?"

"Yes, please. I was hoping I could have have some of your famous coffee. And I am sorry if I disturbed you. I know I shouldn't be here." He put his bag on the sofa and walked towards the kitchen.

"No.. No absolutely not... Its the weekend anyway and I usually wake up early...Its just a habit." Lies. I woke up at 12pm last Saturday.

"Oh wow. I could never." I handed the coffee to Sarawat. He took a sip out of the mug and sat down at the kitchen table in front of me. " Your coffee just took away all the stress of my whole week"

I just smirked and shrugged my shoulders. "So, are you headed somewhere? You said you needed to take some clothes from the house? A weekend trip... with someone?"

"Well, you can call it a trip I guess, but not with anyone. I am going alone.

I usually scan through that list of addresses for different Dim Thipats all week. Then, every weekend I go visit the most likely ones where I could find Phukong's Dim "

"Sarawat, you have been doing this whole investigation on your own? For how long?"

"Since Phukong went to jail — So about three months"

"Your lawyer should be doing this, not you"

"May be. I just wanted to help Phukong anyway that I could, you know. It was lonely at the house all alone anyway. But its not as depressing as it sounds. I usually make a trip out of it. I have explored a lot of small towns and beaches around the country in the last few months."

He was trying to smile, but I could see the sadness in his eyes. He missed his little brother, a lot.

"So..where are you headed today?"

"Bang sean beach town. Its a small place about 2 hours from here. The Dim Thipat I am trying to track down has a restaurant near the beach. Same age as Phukong's Dim.
Also, I have heard the beach there is beautiful. So, even if its a dead end, I'll at least get to swim in the sea"

I put my coffee down and our fingers suddenly touched, which made me flinch. "Uh. I am sorry"

"Don't be"

He was smirking again. And just like that, I forgot everything I was about to say. All I could think about were the events of last week. When I was on top of Sarawat, and..

"What about you? Are you free today?"

I snapped out of my thoughts when Sarawat spoke up.

"Huh? What?" I looked up, trying to decipher the sudden question.

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