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A/N : Merry belated Christmas my loves and a happy New Year, let's all hope for a better year in 2021!


All three men flooded into the small spare room of the cottage.

Draco catching my eye as a small smirk tugged at his lips, possibly admiration of my healing work on Theodore. Kol practically sprinted towards the edge of the medical stretcher Theo was seated on. Jayden sauntered in stiffly, I assumed it was due to the lack of knowledge about Theo himself.

Kol embraced Theo as they patted each other backs. "I'm still a bit stiff mate, let's not all chuck me about like a fucking rag-doll." Theo laughed as Draco pulled him in.

"Thought you were into it mate," Draco furrowed his brows as he teased his schoolmate. I snapped my gaze back to Draco's direction, he rested against the door frame with his large veiny forearms resting comfortably across his chest, his hair disheveled with a lingering smirk ghosting his lips. His dominance and intimidating height looming over the room.

Oh god.

"I'd rather it be the other way around" — Theo's gaze faltered to mine — "Adeline, any offers sweetheart?" He goaded as he lifted my chin with his finger, mouth agape in a grin.

A blush crept up my neck as my cheeks turned a light shade of scarlet, "I'd like to see you fucking try," Draco growled from his position in the door, his jaw rolling as he drummed his fingers.

Theo's brows raised shockingly as he folded his arms, "well well, what do we have here..." he teased.

"The sweet little Slytherin, mixing with the bad lot." Theo stated.

My gaze flickered back to Draco to find him already piercing his hard gaze in my direction, his eyes burned with something I couldn't quite make out as his smirk only widened, he tilted his head to the side as he ever-so-slightly squinted his eyes. "I have a feeling she enjoys taking the risk." His gaze didn't shift from mine as he spoke lowly. 

"Well I'm out of here," Jay and Kol demanded as they marched from the room muffling their ears with their palms.

"Get some clothes on Theo," I demanded as I gulped at the deprived impure look that engrossed Draco's vision.

"Now, Roberts this is your last chance before your supposed boyfriend murders me," Theo carried on playing.

"Watch it Nott." Draco dared.

"In your dreams Theodore," I smirked as as I laughed at his attempts.

"You have no idea Adeline."

Draco leaned from the door frame, sauntering heatedly across the room. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Theo struggled to contain his laughter as he attempted to protect himself behind the medical stretcher.

"Not so ballsy now are we, Nott?" Draco grinned as he began to roll his wand effortlessly between the tips of his fingers.

I began to chuckle at Theo's attempt in protecting himself as they moved around the stretcher, Theo moving from Draco as Draco moved towards Theo. It was quite comical really.

"Don't you start fucking laughing Roberts, he's actually quite bloody scary," Theo wiggled his finger at me as I pulled my knuckles to my lips in acts of innocence.

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