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Okay guys hello my darlings, this chapter is just a filler whilst I figure out how the write the next few chapters and how to interpret things. So don't be disappointed this isn't really a chapter, just something to keep you guys going!

Guys I had to unpublished and re-publish because I only went and wrote the wrong bloody last name💀

Love you guys <3


As we all made our entrance into the room of requirement we bid our hello's and formed back into our group at the drinks desk. The music was thumping heavy beats in my eardrums as smoke from marijuana and tobacco filled the space around us. Flashing lights reflecting off of our bodies as drunk and sober teens danced around us all.

"The atmospheres already bouncing in here" Kol laughed as he lifted his hands midway in the air. We all chuckled as we grabbed drinks dipping in and out of laughter and conversations.

"Omg Ade, Bex we have do dance to this one!" Eve exclaimed as I groaned at the thought of dancing sober. I chugged the rest of my drink ensuring no one else saw and just as I placed my glass on the table Eve was pulling me and Bex towards the dance floor by our wrists. I watched the lads chuckle as i mouthed "help us."

I felt a tingly sensation in the tips of my fingers as the last drink really hit me. Bex and myself loosened up as the music progressively became heavier and the room became hotter. Eve's snowy white hair flicking around as me and Bex chuckled. "Come on guys dance with me!" She shouted over the music.

I began to slowly sway my hips as my free hand went into the air, the other holding my new drink. As we delved deeper into intoxication I started grinding against Bex as she giggled, Eve twirling her hips in circles in front of me as I jeered her on. We didn't notice the growingly large crowd of boys watching us dance from afar.


Us lads were seated on the velvet plush sofas smoking marijuana and drinking whatever that shit at the bar was.

I took a hit of the spliff as muggles call it and leant my head back against the sofa as smoke attacked my lungs, exciting from my nostrils and mouth as I laid with my legs stretched and separated. I brought my head back up snap my attention to the dance floor.

I observed as I caught onto Adeline, oh good fucking lord If only I could bend her over the fucking arm of this chair and make her scream for me.

Her large hips swayed to the music as Bexley's hands laid on her small waist. If only they were my hands...

Her collar bones glistened with small speckles of sweat as she leant her head back dragging her hands down her neck past her ribs and waist leading to her hips. Fuck she looked so god damn sexy.

I took another hit of the spliff as a cloud of smoke blocked my vision, as the smoke faded our eyes met, I watched as she sunk her teeth into her bottom lip moving her hands through her hair as her eyes never left mine. She turned around with her back facing me as she swayed that tight fucking ass for me still holding my eye contact, she knows exactly what she's doing. Her jawline so perfectly cut as her hair tumbled down her shoulders. I shook my head with a smirk, rolling my tongue inside of my cheek as she broke our gaze.


I observed as draco tugged at his collar in indication he was hot. I smirked at him as his gaze landed on mine yet again, more smoke exciting those soft pink lips. Sweat glistening on that little V at the bottom of his neck.

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