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I woke up to the pads of Draco's fingertips running patterns along the skin on my arm. I looked up from his chest and gulped in awe, his hair all messy in his eyes, his long eyelashes resting amongst his lower lashes, his chiselled jawline looking as if it could fucking slice me in half.

"Stop staring...it's creepy" he whispered in his dark raspy morning voice with a small smirk. "I was not staring! Just simply...admiring" I smiled as i pecked a small kiss on his collar bone watching as he lazily lifted his hand up to his hair, ruffling the blonde locks as he squinted at the sun peeking through the curtains.

"Can I use your shower? I reek of weed and sex." he smirked down at me as he eyed my bare chest. "Yeah sure, you do smell quite horrible to be honest" I joked as he threw a pillow at me "shut it Roberts" he winked as he got out bed and headed to the bathroom.

As I sat waiting for him a weird feeling ached at the pit in my stomach. Something like...worry? No couldn't be, life's perfect right now.

I got dressed ready for classes awaiting to use the bathroom as I tidied the thrown clothes off of the floor and made my bed. I heard the bathroom door click "how was your show-" I couldn't manage to finish my sentence as I gulped. Oh god. There he was, in all his glory. His platinum blonde hair dripping wet in-front of his eyes as the thick white towel laid beneath his hips exposing his deep V line and abdominal muscles. His veiny thick forearms making me weak by doing absolutely fuck all.

God get your act together Roberts.

I cleared my throat as he dragged his fingers through his hair, his rings glistening in the sunlight that was beaming through my window. "Honestly Adeline, I really think you should begin to consider the phrase "take a picture it'll last longer" he smirked as he pulled up his trousers clasping his belt together as I gulped.

"Oh so very original Draco." I exclaimed as skipped down to my mirror, checking that my robes were in place and neat looking. I looked up to see Draco biting his lip as he checked out my backside, I threw my sofa pillow at him knocking him back to reality as he groaned "well I mean come on" throwing the pillow back to me as he smirked.


As we all say in breakfast the chatter of a new student spread like wildfire throughout the school as we all questioned whom it may be.

"And where did you two go off to last night?" Eve smirked at Draco and myself as we looked to each other thinking of an excuse.

"Erm we went to go to the libr—

"Her bedroom" Draco interrupted me as he bit into his apple, deeply staring into my eyes as mine widened.

Then the whole group cheered.

"Finally" Bex groaned.

"I couldn't take the sexual tension much longer." Kol clapped his hands.

"Thank fuck for that." Eve rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Took you guys long enough" Crabbe laughed.

I felt the flush run up my neck as Draco cockily raised his brows at me. I rolled my eyes as I couldn't help but notice the flutter in my heart that he'd really just admitted it in front of everyone.

"May I have everyone's attention please students" Professor Dumbledore announced as everyone's head shot to the front of the great hall.

"We have a new student joining us today, it's very unusual to accept a new students at this time of the year but it was a...necessary choice." He explained as whispers echoed throughout the hall

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