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I knew Draco well enough to know if I questioned him right now or even spoke on what he'd informed me of he'd withdraw from exposing himself any further. I didn't want to destruct this, although I had a million thoughts racing through my mind per second only one shon bright above them all...he loves me.

"I lov-

"Ah sh sh sh" he tutted with his finger pressed softly against my lips as he furrowed his brows.

Merlin forgive me, but I've missed him.

I stuck my tongue out against his finger as I twirled it against the top, he smirked as I took his thumb and sucked it slightly. He tilted his head back in a seductive groan running his palm over his face "fuck what are you doing to me Adeline."

"Hmm I like this." I hummed quietly as I tugged at the collar of his trench coat. "Is that so?" He grinned as he run his thumb down my chin, past my pulse point that felt as if it was about to pulsate out of my neck.

I pushed at his chest until his body jolted against the wall, he offered me a pleasantly pleased expression as he looked down at me.

I anchored my teeth gently into my bottom lip as I leant up to his ear on my tip toes, "I'd like it better on the floor" I whispered as I dragged my tongue behind that sweet spot he has right behind his ear.

I glanced over to the chair settling next to my bed as I bit my lip a little harder in anticipation and curiosity. "What's running through that mind of yours, Roberts?" He questioned drawing my attention back to him with the tip of his finger on my chin.

"Sit there." I demanded as he lifted a brow at me. I grabbed hold of his shoulders lightly as I walked him towards the chair, pushing down onto his broad shoulders so he fell directly into the seat.

"What're you up to-

I fixed my finger against his lip shushing him as he observed me silently, I offered myself a view down at him with a raised brow at his sudden obedience. I drummed my finger delicately against his bottom lip as I laced my tongue over my own.

I pulled my black top over my head bewitchingly as I revealed my laced emerald green and black bra, throwing the top on the bed. His lips fell open ajar as I followed his throat movement bobbing up and down.

I slipped off my trousers next revealing my matching Brazilian knickers, he went to rise from the seat as I pushed at his chest to keep him seated "stay put" I demanded. He groaned tilting his head back, dragging his hands over his face as he dropped his vision back to mine, this time more captivated and and infatuated.

"Something wrong Draco?" I whispered as I circled the chair as if a predator stalking prey. I stood behind him as I bent over allowing my hand to drag seductively down past his shoulders and over his chest allowing my bra to graze against his body. He looked straight ahead with a visibly clenched jaw "you seem awfully quiet." I whispered into his ear as I glanced down to his erection that was now threatening to break through his trousers...I stretched my arm a little to drag my palm over the bulge and down his inner thigh "I see why" I whispered, allowing my warm breath to ricochet off of his ear as visible goosebumps began to prickle over his skin.

His fingers gripped the arms of the chair. I dragged my finger over his shoulder and down his arm as I walked back into his view, but I didn't turn to face him as I allowed him the view of my backside.

I felt his fingertips graze the little dent in the bottom of my back as I swatted his hand away "did I say you could touch" I grinned as he ran his ring cladded fingers through his long blonde wavy hair, his lips parting in awe as he begged me with his eyes.

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