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I practically ran down the corridors.

Clenching my fists.

The anger within me rising uncontrollably.

All I could think about was Adeline.

The way she looked so fragile and broken.

I made it to Blaise's dorm.

With no hesitation I tried the door.

It'd been locked.


I kicked the door, only two times until it flung open.

There he was, sleeping with some inconvenient ravenclaw.

Sleeping so contently, I don't know how he fucking dare.

"Blaise, wake up now." I shouted.

He rose from his bed rubbing his eyes, looking at the girl to his right.

"M-Mate it's not what you think" he stuttered with a fluster.

"Get out of bed!" I shouted loudly.

The girl woke up.

"Blaise baby what's going on?" She whispered innocently, it made me fucking sick.

Blaise gulped.

"I said get the fuck out of bed Blaise, now!" Practically roaring this time.

He got out of bed and strolled over to me with his head hanging in shame.

And so it should be.

"Don't worry mate I'm not going to do anyt-"

I didn't even finish my sentence before I swung for his jaw.

Of course I was going to do something, is he thick?

Well I mean, quite clearly if he'd cheat on Adeline.

I couldn't stop hitting him.

All I saw was red.

"Draco, please" I heard a plead come from the doorway, sweet and soft.

Blaise punched me back and busted my lip.

We were rolling around on the floor until I finally restrained him, I went in for the final punch until small soft fingertips grabbed a hold of my wrist.

I looked over my shoulder to see Adeline, tears in her eyes begging me to stop.

How did she make me feel this way, all the anger had fleeted from my bones and all I could feel was hurt for her.

"Scum!" I spat as I looked back at Blaise.

I pushed on his stomach as I got up making him wince even more.

I went to storm out of the room until I heard Adeline.

"Fuck you!" She screamed as she slapped Blaise.

So teary eyed.

I let it be until she went all out.

She began kicking and punching him, screaming profanities in his face begging him to tell her why.

I walked over to her and grabbed her waist picking her up.

"NO LET ME DOWN!" she screamed squirming as I carried her away.

"L-Let me down" she sighed as a new set of tears poured down her cheeks.

She; cried, kicked, punched and squirmed the whole walk back to her dormitory.

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