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My palms were sweaty as I clammed my hands shut.

Fingernails seeping into my skin.

Truth is, me and Adeline have always had a well a spark if you will.

It was; flirty, mischievous and touchy in the most self explanatory way.

She was fiddling with her fingers one of her tell tale signs she was nervous.

But as am I.

I removed a strand of her silky brunette hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear.

"Okay, in the most simplest way I can put it Adeline. I like you. You and your intelligence your-your beauty, you overwhelm me Adeline, you fill something in me that I didn't know needed filling." He spoke gently.


The nerves were to overwhelming to stand in this white noise any longer.

I was going to expand into what i was saying until she blurted out the most magnificent thing I'd heard this year.

"I-I like you too Blaise..." she whispered gently with her porcelain cheeks now turning a shade of pink.

"Maybe we could give this a go, I know we've never been verbal about our feelings toward each other but it's always been there and I just can't leave this place without giving us a try." I spoke out truthfully.

"No Blaise I really do feel the same way!" a big smile edged the corners of her lips as she nibbled her bottom one.

I pulled her in, looking into her emerald green abs silver eyes that weirdly matched the house colours.

Planting a kiss on her blood rushed lips she pulled me closer, snuggling into my chest as we both let out a sigh of relief that it's all out in the open now.

There's no more feelings to be pushed down and forgotten about.

We can finally be together like we've always wanted.

This was it.

The peak of my happiness.

I hope it was hers.


I was thrilled.

Over the fucking moon to be honest.

As I was lent into Blaise's arms, my head resting against his chest, I couldn't have been happier.

My grades were amazing, as were my friends.

My crush was now my partner.

It was good.

Life was good.


Blaise had decided to get ready with me in my dorm to go study with the group.

Nothing but heart filled meaningful kisses and cuddles served with laughter.

I felt on top of it all right now.

That's how Blaise made me feel.

I looked over to his beautiful smile as he sat slumped on my bed, shirt unbuttoned slightly with that sweet smile of his.


I couldn't help but think of today's events of me and Draco Malfoy shagging aggressively exactly where Blaise was seated.

It created a pit in my stomach.

A pit that needs to be pushed deep down until it was forgotten.

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