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"Oh behave, Adeline! I'm not sleeping with her!" Kol whispered angrily in defence as my lips curled up in slight amusement. They always get the most defensive when what you're saying is nothing but the truth.

"Ha see," I chuckled as I poked his chest, "see how defensive you get Kol, you don't have to white lie to me, I'm your best friend after all," I shrugged as I rested back into the comforts of the plush booth seats, offering him a cocky smirk as he huffed deeply from his chest.

With a very un-subtle roll of his hazel eyes he narrowed them as he crossed his forearms over his chest. I rose my brow, nonverbally refusing to back down as he gave over. "Fine, it's a quick hookup that's all, it was nothing serious. Merely some pleasurable entertainment, no need to be envious angel," he grinned ear to ear, flashing me his pearly whites.

I smirked subtly as I laid my forearms over the table separating us, leaning forward and narrowing my eyes as I tilted my head to the left. He mirrored my act of intimidation as he goaded me to say something with his eyes. "You wish I was envious, Fletcher."

He shook his head slightly as he chuckled under his breath, straightening his posture as he peered down at me over the table. "Don't knock it till you try it, Adeline," his lips curled up in amusement as I lightly shoved his arm. "I'm definitely choosing to knock it," I spoke as he palmed his chest in mock hurt.

I've always thought Kol was aesthetically pleasing, he was beautiful to look at; a sharp jaw, comforting hazel eyes and disheveled chestnut tresses. He was the stereotypical tall, dark and handsome that all the girls yearned over. I on the other hand, did not. I've always took more notice to his internalised beauty. He's always been that bundle of joy that'll forever stick onto my heart. He surprisingly couldn't have more contrast and differences to the usual swarm of boys at Hogwarts. Kol's compassionate in his beliefs and he'll outright refuse to lower or dilute his beliefs and expectations just to fit into society's standards of popularity, he'll stick up for something he doesn't deem acceptable, even if his views are frowned upon by others. He's strong willed and I admire that about his character.

He's that dose of ibuprofen you swallow after a rough head. He's that first rain droplet that contacts your skin after days of blistering heat. He's just my portable ray of sunshine, he's Kol Fletcher.

"Seventh year Ade, it's moved by so rapidly," he muttered with a bewildered appearance, jerking me from my thoughts as I shook my head in disbelief.

It's difficult to come to the realisation that we'll soon be leaving our second home. Hogwarts will always hold a distinct piece of my heart. When you've been partially living and learning at a place like Hogwarts its difficult to come to terms with the reality that you won't be starting up another year there after the present day.

"Tell me about it, It doesn't exactly seem real though does it? Although, I'm not sure I could of endured more than another year persisting Snape' tiresome tone," I shudder at the thought of it.

"Kol...put...that...down," He mocked with furrowed brows and sullenness.

We both tipped our heads back in laughter at the preciseness of his Snape impression.

After a good five minutes of uncontrollable laughter and bellyache I wiped the tears from my waterline as Kol panted in a comedown from our previous jest. We sat in a comfortable silence as we watched the world move by behind our separation of steamy glass.

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