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After the 'date' or whatever that blissful evening was, we didn't aparate back to Hogwarts immediately. I had Draco's palm comfortably ironed onto my lower back as we walked in a satisfyingly pleasant silence.

After wandering up numerous sets of stairs a cold breeze ricocheted of off my goose-bumped skin as I examined Draco's platinum blonde strands move back with the wind. We'd reached the top floor of somewhere, somewhere old but somewhere beautiful.

He'd ushered me towards the stone wall as if in urge to show me something. I waltzed towards the barrier that just reached my chest and just about met Draco's hips. I brought my eyes to the striking view presented in front of us "it's beautiful up here" I whispered as my eyes flickered between large and small buildings, bright city lights, the river Thames still water as golden lights reflected of off the waters slight ripples.

I felt long arms slither around my waist as I gulped, I didn't know if I should let him back in. I can't help it. I lifted my arms from my sides to place onto the wall as Draco hugged me from behind. "Look up, darling" he cooed next to my ear, my hairs on the back of my neck standing to salute as his breath fanned against my sensitive skin.

I lingered my eyes towards the sky as I subtly gasped, it was beautifully clear, looking elegant and crisp as twinkles of light flickered from far beyond.

"Want to know what that star is?" he offered as he grabbed my arm with his, pointing it to where he was looking.

"Oh come on then." I replied rolling my eyes jokingly as he chuckled against my skin.

"That ones a man who's very" - kiss on neck - "very" - kiss on neck - "sorry." his soft pink lips connected with my neck as his chest pressed onto my back.

"And what about that one?" I asked teasingly as I pointed towards another star.

"That one?" He questioned as in reassurance as he cocked a brow at me. "Yes that one!" I giggled as he dove his head down towards my ear. "Now you see that ones extremely special, it's called by the name Adeline I believe." - I could feel his growing smirk imprinting onto my skin - "Very very special I must say." I giggled as he nuzzled his lips into the crook of my neck. "Oh is that so?" I teased. "Very much so." He growled next to my ear.

The noticeable position we were stood in coated the air in a thick sexual tension. My arse pressed against his hips as he towered over me from behind, i gulped and chewed at my bottom lip. I pushed my arse back a little to experiment as my lip was sunk between my teeth, I heard the faintest groan echo next to my ear as he hung his head, I could hear the click in his throat as he gulped some tension.

I cleared my throat as he spun my body to be brought with his front. The city's white and golden lights flickering inside his silver depths as emotion flooded throughout his blue speckles. "I hope you enjoyed tonight." He whispered as his eyes left mine. "I—I did, thank you." I stuttered as both our eyes pierced onto one another's lips, I tilted my chin upwards as his head dove down an inch closer. Our breaths morphed into one as our bodies connected, his light pants escaping down my throat. And then I felt warm soft lips press down onto mine. The contrast of cold and warm was overwhelming as his icy fingers caressed my cheek with bulky rings seeping into my skin. It wasn't a heated, sexual, rushed kiss. It was overflowing with meaning, passion and desire. We pulled away together as our foreheads leant against each other's, my hands wrapped around the back of his neck as he planted a soft kiss onto my forehead.

His dominance never went unnoticed though, I could tell there was an urge for Draco's assertiveness, it was just breaking at his seems.

We eventually apparated back to Hogwarts, he walked me towards my door as he offered me a goodnight accompanied with a kiss on my forehead. It reminded me of a date walking her back to her little flat up in central London as she kissed him on the cheek goodnight.

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