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After our recent not-so-innocent activities he planted a kiss on my cheek as he wished me goodnight outside of Eve's room, I stood in awe as I watched the platinum blonde headed boy walk down the dark corridor to his room.

I slipped into Eve's bed as I tossed and turned on her uncomfortable mattress, re-visiting the dirty event in my mind unwillingly.


"Rise and shine, sunshine." Eve winked as she poked me awake ticking my stomach "come on, shift lazy arse." She chirped as she sprung out of bed., "it's only 11:45." She spoke sarcastically as I groaned in tiredness.

Eventually I dragged myself out of her bed heading to the bathroom as she sang loudly, I slammed the door as I cursed to myself due to the lack of sleep.

We got ready for the Christmas market, I was wearing a check mini skirt with black tights and a black top accompanied by a longline, collared beige coat with a bobble hat. My hair in long curly waves as I applied red tinted lipgloss and mascara slipping on my timberlands.

Although we also had a little surprise for later, we didn't inform Draco as he'd disagree right away but I packed my black back pack with the appropriate items I'd need as did Eve.

As we walked down the stairs Kol had already arrived as him and Draco stood leaning against the banister at the foot of the staircase.

"Hello hello you." Kol smirked at me as he pushed himself of the banister "Hello darling." I replied copying his tone.

"Don't you look all cute and warm." He spoke as he taped the tip of my nose lightly with the pad of his index finger, "I-

"Indeed she does." Draco interrupted me as he patted the top of my head on my bobble hat, them both now walking away, i huffed and crossed my arms as I grabbed Eve to go to the kitchen.

"Coffee or tea?" She questioned me as she put the kettle on, "tea please my love" I replied as I pulled a stool from beneath the kitchen island and seated myself down.

"I'm so excited for today!" Eve squealed as she poured me a mug of tea "me too!" I exclaimed adding on "and tonight..." with a wink.

We drank our teas and walked into the living room to the boys, "ready ladies?" Draco questioned us as his eyes flickered to me licking his lips as he rubbed his chin with a smirk, i mouthed "stop!" Inaudibly as he discreetly chuckled at me.

"Right my lovely ladies and gents I'll let you know we will not be aparating to our destination today-

We all groaned in protest as we interrupted Eve's request, well demand really.

"Ah ah ah! I want the full muggle experience!" She ordered holding her finger out at me Kol and Draco. "Besides I've already informed Blaise, Crabbe and Bex we will meet them at Euston station." She spoke as she turner around ushering us all to hurry up, all of us replying with a sigh and a groan.

Eve gets what she wants, when she wants, now was one of those moments.

As we sat on a four seater table on route to Euston station myself and Draco kept exchanging knowing glances, biting our lips and holding each others glare.

As I watched the greenery soon change to a few high buildings in the distance I knew we were close, I stood up and pulled my backpack from the overhead compartment, my skirt riding up my legs accidentally as I look over to Kol and Draco both boring their eyes into my thighs as they snapped their heads away like children pretending to look at anything but what they were previously, I laughed in shyness and quickly pulled my skirt down.

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