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"We're hiding because you're wanted Adeline—wanted dead." He spoke with caution as he continuously brought his lips to the coffee cup to mask his nervousness.

"By who?" I furrowed my brows allowing my eyes to form into slits as i let the heat of my tea warm my fingers I knew who. I just needed to hear it again, ensure I heard it right that my own father wanted to kill his daughter.

"By Lucius Malfoy and" he began to wince "father."

He watched as I pulled out a notepad and a quill from my bag, rolling his eyes at my need to analyse everything. "Don't roll eyes at me Jay, this isn't time for it!" I spat as I slipped my notepad back into my bag, mental notes were sufficient.

"Okay fine, sorry." He sighed as the muscles in his neck seemed to tense a little tighter.

"Why?" that was the big money bag question, why.

He sighed a harsh breath as he looked down at the mixture of caffeine swirling steadily inside his mug. "For freedom."

"Huh?" I knitted my brows in confusion as I leant back against the back of the wooden chair.

"He's greedy for another life, a different outcome. The woman he brought here" — he inhaled deeply as if preparing for what he was going to say next — "it wasn't just her that he would bring...it was their children as well." I gasped "mother obliviated father and the woman's memory of this house, but that didn't stop their meetings outside of this place." I could see his fingertips turning white as he digged his tips into the wooden table.

"But what does that mean for me, surely he can't want me dead over an affair Jay?"

"Adeline mother is dead, rethink why. Why he didn't die in that crash. Why I was suddenly shipped off to military school." He tensed with every word.

My brain began to tick like clockwork, the hands spun around the face of the clock in my brain as the hands finally clicked at twelve. "To free himself" I gasped as I brought my lips to fingers.

He nodded slowly as his jaw clenched in grimace of Lumin Roberts. "H-he wanted us all gone, so he could live a new life with his new children and new girlfriend." I clocked on as my heart threatened to crumble a little more inside of my chest, pieces tumbling to my stomach as they transfigured into dull aches of pain.

"He framed his death in that car crash because he needed everyone to know he was supposedly dead, new identity, new country, new children, new home, new wife. He'd planned it all...slowly but surely, it's taken him years for it to work out exactly as he wants but you are the last sector to his plan." Jays eyes laid firmly on his fingers that drummed against the table, one movement of his deep hazels and they would've threatened to break right in front of me.

"And Lucius? Where does he fit into all of this?" I questioned with my eyes glaring into my clenched fists.

"He is simply helping a friend, Lucius thrives off of power. The feelings of having that much control that he can simply click his fingers and stop a beating heart. He revels in it. He's twisted like that, Lucius always despised our family...apart from Father. He disliked the way we apparently tied down Lumin from his full potential." His watery eyes excited as anger blurred his vision, fighting to control his temper as he began to grind his teeth together.

After a few minutes of claustrophobic silence i rubbed at my temples in attempt to ease the thumping that threatened my skull to shatter into shards.

I inhaled a large breathe and exhaled deeply "do you know about the images I've been seeing?"


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