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We were all sat by the black lake, us lads laying on the overly large blanket that weirdly fit us all as the winter sun warmed our skin. The girls picking daisies to make what muggles call a daisy chain? or some shit like that. I couldn't help but allow my eyes to take a peep a glimpse at Adeline.

I also couldn't help but appreciate the way her baggy knitted jumper slipped off of her right shoulder exposing her perfectly defined collar bones. The way her tight black jeans hugged and praised her backside perfectly. The way her laugh offered me a handful of serotonin. The way she handled the daisies so delicately as her honey glazed eyes admired the nature in front of her, dragging her soft padded fingers against the grass. The way her—

"You're fucked mate" Blaise interrupted me from me thoughts snapping me back into something like reality.

"What're you bloody on about now, Zabini?" I cocked a brow.

Kol giggled "Don't think we haven't caught on bud." I have no fucking idea what these two dimwits are rambling on about. "You're smiling like a fucking Cheshire Cat!" Blaise added.

"What can I say boys, I'm a man of nature." I smirked as i sneakily set my eyes back onto Adeline.

"Yeah, fucking Roberts nature." They both chuckled at their oh-so-hilarious joke. "Fuck off, we're just at a mutual agreement to finally be...friends" I winked as I licked my lips, raking my eyes over petite little frame. Fuck how that body fit perfectly into my hands.

"Are you shitting me? Bro, if you think what you have is just friendship...then I really did underestimate how thick you fucking are." Kol rolled his eyes as he punched my arm.

"Ooh fuck off Fletcher, she's — she's different, she doesn't fall at my feet for my attention, she shared my humour, and she does this little thing with her tongue that—

"Ooh fuck off mate, don't even finish that sentence." Blaise groaned as I cocked a brow at him and shrugged my shoulders.

"Put it this way...who's attention do you try to grab in a room full of people?" Kol asked. Raising his brow at me as he watched me process.

"Ooh fuck." I whispered as I dropped my head into my palms.

"Draco!" I heard a feminine voice call out. I looked up to see her, and that smile and oh god I was royally fucked. She motioned for me to come over as I couldn't help but offer her a small smile.

"Whipped..." I heard a whisper behind me as they both sniggered.

"Fuck off." I spat as I straightened my black sweatshirt. "Or else I'll tell you how your oh-so-innocent best friend begged for me to let her cu—

"DO NOT!" Kol shouted as he covered his ears with his palms. "Finish that sentence" he whispered as he furrowed his brows.

I smirked at myself in amusement as I shoved my hands into my pockets, strolling over to Adeline.

"Hello there darling" I smirked as I stood unnecessarily close to her "can't stay away hm Roberts?"

I watched the flush run up her neck as it inked into her cheeks, "Help me make this?" She asked with her big grin as she held out the daisies in her palm. I rubbed the back of my neck "Adeline I'd love to help you but I actually have to be somewhere—

"Oh no you don't!" She demanded as she gripped ahold of my wrist pulling me down to the blanket she was sat on. I groaned in defeat as I observed her delicately place the daisies in front of us, her big bambi eyes flickering up to mine every now and then.

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