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You guys! I just re-read some of the first chapters to this book and I honestly felt like deleting the story lmfao :,(... I wish I could rewrite because I also feel as though I've come such a long way, including my writing skills and I feel as though minimal effort was put into this story when I first started. I know it wasn't but i was so eager to get started that I didn't really know where it was heading or bothered researching and improving my grammar or deciding on a plot. I know it's very dramatic in the beginning and I hate the fact I wrote it like that, I really do. These past few chapters I've loved writing, that's why when I now look back I grimace at what I wrote. I know not everything will please everyone, hence the hate comments😌. But I understand some of them ig, I'm sorry for how I started this book but I hope you have started to enjoy the writing a little more now.

I resent this story so much, I like being honest with you guys about these things. That's why when I finish this story I'd like to write a new one, everything won't be dramatised, the writing will be more of a higher quality as such. I'm not positive I'll be writing a new one but I like to think I will be doing so, I enjoy writing.

Pushing all my doubts and annoyance to the side, I really do love you guys. Your comments always humour me and offer me daily enlightenment. Thank you for riding out this crazy journey with me. It's been a learning curve, I've experienced a great deal of emotions throughout writing this story, and some of you have been through it all with me. I never expected my story to even reach this many reads in all honesty, I feel as if-if I knew my story would grow this much attention I would have put a multitude amount of more effort into this. But as I said it's been a learning curve.

The story is soon to be coming to an end.

Yet again I thank you all so much, the devoted readers...and the haters.

Anyhow, enjoy your morning or evening wherever you may be. Stay safe during these times, my inbox is always open.

I love you guys.

Text includes quotations from : Alan watts and Abraham Twerski.


I observe as her cheeks continue to flush a shade of scarlet, rising to the tips of her ears as she smiles whenever I catch her gaze lingering in my direction.

I'd really never seen anything so captivatingly beautiful.

I just want to feel enveloped in her love whilst set on a constant loop...


Such a strong concept that's so carelessly tossed around. But no one knows it like I do, like I've acquired to. No one knows it as Adeline Roberts. A life without her would be a means to an end. I'd walk barefooted through hot gravel to the ends of the earth for her. Anything for her. That oh-so highly addictive drug that draws me in until I've consumed every last drop. Love is vulnerability, not physically, but mentally. It's stripping down everything that guards and cages your insecurities, flaws and imperfections and creates it to be something that's so delicately beautiful. Love is never something that can be easily explained or fixed. Everything that's ever caused me pain and grief fades into a meaningless pit of fog. It's that nauseas feeling that brews in the pit of your stomach when thoughts of a life without them spiral throughout your consumed heart and began to splinter cracks inside something that only used to beat for yourself. It's; anger, passion, intimacy, trust, frustration, fulfilment—an intense feeling of deep affection.

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