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I knocked with purpose on Eve's office door, "Eve can you email the CEO of Fine Wear Witch please?" I asked as I walked up to her desk triumphantly.

"Of course I can, what shall it entail?" she questioned as she sipped on her coffee, relaxing her chin on the back of her hands as she smirked devilishly, just like her brother.

"Advise them on our collaboration for the daily worldwide prophet, Rita has fitted a slot in for us next week. Friday morning at eleven am." I smiled as I placed the small file on her desk. "Rita's going absolutely crazy about the wizard and witch fashion colab." I laughed "oh but of course she would," Eve added with a snort.

"Anyways I should see what they are up too, they've probably wrecked the joint by now," I rolled my eyes with a smile as I headed for her door.

She nodded with a smile of acknowledgement as I headed towards the head office, our office.

Draco swivelled in his plush black chair, Elijah's small frame held between Draco's palms as they both giggled at the fast pace they were spinning in. I cleared my throat from the door frame, as I brought my knuckles to my lips in an attempt to smother the small laugh emitting from my mouth. "Act casual, mummy's here." Draco whispered towards to his son as he straightened his suit jacket, clearing his throat.

"Well hello Mrs Malfoy, Elijah and myself here were just going through marketing strategies, weren't we Eli?" Draco crossed one knee over the other as he rolled his featherless quill between his fingers, holding the end between his teeth.

"Daddy was teaching me how to sell stuff mommy, I swear!" Elijah smirked, oh how he looked so much like his father, Draco high fived his small palm as he winked mischievously at his son.

I shook my head "of course he was" I narrowed my eyes as I wiggled my finger at him "I think someone is telling a fib," I teased as Draco smirked dismissively.

"Hey son, why don't you go see what uncle Kol and Theo are up to?" Draco ruffled the young boys platinum blonde hair.

"Uncle Kol and Tweo?" Elijah's eyes lit up as he ran towards the door. Draco nodded as he ushered him to go on. He could never really pronounce Theo correctly.

I observed as Elijah ran past reception to kol. "Uncle Kol!" he smiled as he held his small chunky arms out towards him. "Hey little man!" Kol knelt in front of him ruffling his hair, "fancy a walk to the park?"

Elijah nodded frantically as Kol held out his hand, waving his hand and me and Draco to go before they came back.

I smiled as I closed the office door behind me, looking over to Draco to find him loosening his black tie.

He smirked at me from behind our desk as his eyes raked over my body, allowing his tongue to snake out and lace his lips.

I rested my backside against the desk as I tilted my head back, sighing to the ceiling. "Thank god it's home time, these heels are threatening to break my feet if I walk in them for any longer," I chuckled as Draco rose from his seat.

He stood before me resting his palms against the desk either side of my thighs, he began to plant light relative kissed onto the sensitive skin of my neck. I sighed tilting my head back further as I granted him further access. He chuckled momentarily onto my collar bone, I could feel his smirk imprinting onto my skin as he traced the pads of his fingertips over my needing thighs.

In a simple crack we had apparated to our manor on the newly built Malfoy estate located on the border of Santorini, before I even had chance to think his lips crashed down onto mine.

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