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I applied a moderately faint amount of ruby tinted shimmered lip gloss to my soft lips as I slightly pouted my lips in front of the reflective glass. I began to rake the pads of my fingers throughout my roots as I dishevelled my locks for a boost of volume. 

My exterior was visibly tranquil but the thrashing of my heart wanted to rip every blonde hair from that pricks head until his smug expression wiped clean off of his face. I proceeded to loop my black leather belt throughout the belt loops of my denims, my black leather jacket resting satisfyingly over my shoulder. I cast my eyes in a glance back up to the reflecting surface, catching a pair of silver irises holding contact with mine. 

His eyes held aspects of intimidation, the piercing speckles of blue contrasting to the dark intentions his steely greys. He held a natural brooding expression, his brows always slightly furrowed creating faint crevices on his forehead.

 I cast my eyes back down towards the metal of my belt as my chin slightly rested against my chest to examine the clasp. An urge tugged at my gut as I closed the clasp, I allowed my eyes to flicker back to the mirror. My breath staggered in a choppy intake as I found the same sleety silvers gaping back at me. His elbow rested against the arm of my sofa as his thumb supported his chin, his index finger sitting adequately over his pink lips.    

A barrel of frustration tumbled through my chest as I pivoted to face him, resting my back against the soft grey wall as amusement plastered my expression. "Do you want that framed as well, Malfoy?"

He slightly narrowed the lids of his eyes as he leant forwards in his position, resting his forearms against his knees as he pulled a pack of mints from his back pocket. Drawing out the heavy silence he pulled the strong scented peppermint candy between his thumb and index finger, taking his time as he pushed the mint past his lips and visibly onto his scarlet tongue. My lips fell into a frustrated line as he smugly smirked at the contact I held over his lips. "You'd do that for me?" he grinned. 

I felt the soles of my feet take small strides, I don't know why I did what I did but his arrogance knocked my whole concept of keeping the peace. I stood at the tips of his toes, feeling somewhat dominant and slightly superior with the way I peered down at his frame. His eyes submissively followed up the length of my body to meet my hard stare, I'm sure it was no way intended to be seen as submissive but the slight flame of power that circled throughout my stomach made my lips curl upwards.

He allowed his back to fall plush against the sofa, eyeing me goadingly as I stood between his parted thighs. He sat comfortably in black cargo trousers and a loose long sleeve black top that tightened over his broad chest and shoulders but relaxed over his torso. His left arm spread against the back of the settee as his right relaxed against the arm. Art of a stick and poke tattoo inked in the space between his thumb and index finger, I soon realised it was a small serpent snake. Rings sat snugly against his thumb, pinky and ring finger; branding his skin in silver and wealth. 

I bent forward slightly as I rested one palm against the back of the sofa where his arm laid, my other arm gripped the armrest as I set a cold stare upon my expression. His eyes tested mine as he dared me to pull a wrong move. "I'd do nothing for you Malfoy," I whispered as his teeth clamped against one another, his jaw setting like sharp stone as his eyes lowered to a deeper shade darkness. 

He pouts in pure mockery, "so you're telling me all those notions of you on your knees for me were all for nothing?" his presses a large hand to his chest as he derisively widens his pout. 

My palms soon ball into tight little fists at my sides as I momentarily feather my lids shut and inhale subtly through my nose. I downcast my gaze back to his "Parkinson really isn't doing it for you lately is she Draco?" I knew that'd trigger a nerve in his cold, relaxed demeanour. He always grows bitter when we tease him about Pansy. His constant denial of having anything to do with Pansy always goads us to tease him more. 

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