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My wet heat grinding his thigh as he held me down by my throat. He wrapped his large hands around my thigh as he brought it up to his hip widening my exposure as he now stood fully in between my legs. God I've missed his touch.

I need this.

I ached for this.

As he released my hands momentarily I found the pristine opportunity to flip us around, my hands pressed against his broad chest as I kneeled either side of his large body. My heat pressed down against his trousers as our hips connected, both groaning in awe as my cunt connected with his erection. I was positioned on all fours over his build on the Professors desk, my hair tumbling to one side over my shoulder as I watched his eyes turn dark and dusky, hunger and craving consumed him as i ground my hips against his.

I shouldn't have became cocky with my dominance, I realised this when he wrapped my legs around his torso picking me up as if I was light paper and pressing me flat against the wall. All the while our lips were viciously attacking each other's at the need for contact. "So fucking good...good girl...moan for me." He mumbled in between short breaths and catches of one another's lips.

"Draco someone's coming!" I whispered in distress as the sound of heavy boots echoed through the corridors in approach towards the classroom, "let them fucking watch" he growled into my ear as his hand steadied him against the wall. I giggled as he frantically searched the room for somewhere to hide when the footsteps became dangerously louder. He grabbed my hand pulling me towards a little storage closet that barley fit one let alone two.

He closed the door behind us as my back pressed against his chest, his hand over my mouth to muffle my frantic breaths. "Shhhh" he purred.

I gasped as Professor Slughorn began whistling a random tune in the classroom ruffling through what sounded like paperwork. I felt the ghost of Draco's free hand graze my collar bone "so very pretty..." he growled, his tone didn't match his choice of words.

He reached for the bottom of my shirt as his icy palms pressed onto my stomach. His index and middle fingers danced playfully up my tummy as i whimpered into his palm.

Before he reached my chest the ghost of a whisper ricocheted off of my ear "Can I touch you Adeline?"

"Y-yes...please—." I ached for his touch. Those rough padded fingers, i ached for them to please me. To satisfy the burning sparks bolting throughout my core.

I felt him chuckle momentarily in my ear as his fingers dipped tortuously slow into my bra, rubbing his thumb in circles over my nipple. Pulling, pinching and tweaking as I pushed my arse against his crotch. I moaned into his hand as I struggled to remain quiet.

So hypnotic, magnetic.

"I don't want to hear a fucking sound Roberts." He growled next to my ear as his soft pink lips connected with my pulse point. Sucking softly, sinking his teeth in and smoothing the pain with his tongue. I couldn't construct a solid respond as my knees trembled.

The rough pads of his fingers traced my subtle v line as he pressed into my spots that made me whimper, my small abdominal muscles clenching at his touch. "God...you're so fucking—can I?"

"Yes...god please." I moaned into his hand as he slipped his hand under my skirt, rubbing circles outside of the flimsy soaked lace material that was barley covering my cunt. My legs began to quake as he slipped his icy fingers beneath the lace, grazing his thumb over my clit as my arms flew around me to the back of his head as i tugged at his blonde mussed hair.

I arched my back allowing my backside to press against his crotch. His heavy breaths turned into small echoes of pleasure and nonverbal whispered of need. My lips trembled with whimpers as my teeth sunk into my bottom lip.

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