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"Adeline come out of there, it's freezing." I shouted rising to my feet as she walked further into the lake.

"I-I'm a mudblood." She sniffled, the water now reaching her waist.

"No...Ade, you're a half blood don't call yourself that," I muttered walking closer to the lake.

She pulled out her wand from the side of her top "stay away from me!" she shouted in tears.

"You, Pansy everyone you c-call me a mudblood! What's different now?" She whispered now shivering.

"For Christ sake Adeline get out of that lake you're lips are turning blue for fuck sake!" I stepped forward as her wand is still clutched in her hand.

"I — you — I can't do this, I can't. — mudblood — I'm a mudb-" unable to string a sentence together, her teeth now chattering furiously, her wand shaking uncontrollably in her hand.

Porcelain skin turning transparent, lips turning blueberry blue.


She'd fainted into the water.

"Adeline!" I shouted voice croaky.

I ran into the water, not even bothering to flick of my shoes or clothes, I didn't care.

The wind whistling against my ears as I ran down the hill set me into panic.

Adrenaline pumping through my blood as the trees blew back and forth ferociously screaming at me to save her.

The water was colder than fucking ice.

No no, why has she done this.

The temperature change on my skin was drastic.

I swam to Adeline, water gushing into my ears as I held my breath.

I was soon looking over her drenched transparent body in horror 

Her usual blood rushed lips now dry and cracked.

I snaked my arm underneath her knees as the other grabbed underneath her shoulders, picking her up out of the water, she was freezing, skin like winter.

I ran back to the castle, panicking and panting running through the corridors past my dorm "Kol get out her now!" I shouted still running.

"Adeline?" Kol spoke as he ran to catch up with me.

"Get madam Pomfrey" I shouted carrying Adeline's dead-weighted body, limp in my arms as water droplets fell from her brunette chocolate hair wearing all but her panties and a flimsy top that was now clinging to her skin.

God she was beautiful, yet so damaged.

I laid her on the hospital bed.

"No...no please Ade, wake up!" I pleaded whilst shaking her shoulders holding back the salty water in my eyes.

The thought of her dying because of me shatters my heart, the thought of her dying alone.

Kol ran in.

"No fuck sake Adeline, wake up!" He cried with shock splattered on his expression.

"Please Ade I can't do this without you!" He cried into her shoulder.

Still emotionless and limp she laid.

Kol grabbed as many blankets as he could find wrapping her up in the fluffy material.

"Ade, wake up." He sniffed into the crook of her neck stroking her face as his tears ran down her shoulder.

I stood in utter shock.

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