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P.s I was winging this book at the start but I've developed some ideas and an ending idea, I hope you are enjoying the story.

Please vote and comment, it really does inspire me to continue to write and gives me a boost of energy to put more effort into the chapters for you guys.

How're you guys feeling about this story, I'd love to know!

Love all you readers!



I sat in my usual seat next to Eve and Bex with an attempt to distract myself from recent activities.

As I walked out out of class I felt a familiar hand wrap around my wrist and forcefully yank me back to the stone wall of the corridor.

"Fuck me Draco, ouch." I spat with furrowed brows comforting the impact on the back of my skull.

He stood there, towering over me just panting, unable to read his blank expression I gazed into his silver eyes.

"Well if you're just going to stand there, I'll be off." I spoke out in awkwardness.

"Adeline, meet me in the prefects bathroom tonight at 9pm sharp." He demanded blankly.


"Just fucking do it!" He demanded slamming his palm onto the stone wall next to my ear.

I quivered under his trap, frightened in all honesty, I was speechless at his fury.

"Mate, what're you doing?" I heard Kol's voice as he grabbed Draco's arm shoving it away from my face.

"You okay, darlin?" Kol questioned cupping my chin as I stood still with confused eyes at Draco, why was he so angry?

"Yeah fine thanks, let's just go." I demanded grabbing a hold of Kol's arm and dragging him to the court yard.

We walked in a comfortable silence, Kol knew now was not the right time to question the situation, but he also knew I was strong enough to defend myself.

A dull ache pounded throughout my skull as I squinted my eyes in pain.

"Ow" I murmured as I started feeling dizzy.

Kol looked I'm my direction with confusion "You alright, sweetheart?" he questioned.

Before I could offer him a reply i dropped to my knees, crushing my palms against my temples as I screamed in agony, Kol's muffled voice invading my ear drums as the man appeared.

"Help me." he whispered painfully.

What the hell is going on.

The excruciating pain banged through my forehead as It felt like I was in the room, in that basement, with that man, his face so hard to make out almost as if it was blurred.

Men came marching down the basement stairs with evil chuckles as the man screamed "NO NOT AGAIN, PLEASE LET ME GO...LET ME FUCKING GO!" whining in tears.

I screamed "STOP IT LEAVE HIM ALONE" as if I was actually there, I don't understand what's going on.


What the fuck?

She was screaming for someone to leave someone alone, down on her knees cupping her temples as she screamed in pain.

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