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It's been four days of dodging Draco in the hallways, avoiding eye contact and blushing when I see the same tongue that lapped against my clit come out to lick his soft, pink lips whilst he concentrated in class.

It's finally Saturday, the day I can get out of this god damn school and escape that gorgeous fucking blonde that boils my blood. 

I'd agreed to meet Bex in the courtyard in an half an hour. I rushed around my room, making my bed as I hurried into the bathroom to scrub my teeth and tongue. I hopped around my room with my toothbrush dangling from my plump lips as I attempted to pull my sock over my foot. 

The weather was relatively warm today, the sun casting a soft warm breeze around Scotland. I decided to slip on my classic deep navy co ord outfit. The bottoms baggy but secure around the waist, the over shirt with short sleeves and collared as I slipped on a small, cropped, white spaghetti top underneath so I could wear the button up open and exposing my toned stomach. 

I quickly spat the residue of toothpaste from my mouth into my sink as I rushed to slip on my usual docs. Practically whizzing over to my mirror I just decided on using my claw hair clip, I twisted my hair at the back of my head, clamping it together with the clip as I tugged out the two front strands of my hair. Feeling eventually satisfied I chucked some money into my bag and fled my room, looking down at my wristwatch making it down to the courtyard just in time. 

My eyes flutter around my surroundings as I walk out from the open alcove connecting the corridor from the courtyard. The sun soon seeped into my skin as the euphoric sounds of laughing and singing birds whistled its way past my eardrums.

A waving figure soon caught my attention as it squealed and ran over to me, I giggled as Bexley wrapper her arms around my frame in an embrace. "Hey missy," she hummed as I squeezed her tightly, her sweet, comforting perfume flowing up my nostrils. 

"Damn missy, you look so pretty," she pouted as she squeezed me arms by my side. I pinched her cheeks lightly, "and you look absolutely beautiful, so c'mon lets get a move on." 

She clapped her palms together as her left hand slipped into my right one. I smiled at her as she began to swing our arms like children. 

The walk to hogsmeade was comforting as the bliss sun casted a radiant glow amongst our skins, catching up on anything and everything.

My stomach was hurting from laughing so much to the point I think i'd achieved a full hours core workout. Bexley always had that affect on me, you know one of those friends that you're sure can pull of being an on-stage comedian? Yeah, well that's Bex.

I smiled to myself as a group of first years fled out of honeydukes with pockets full of lollipops and ice creams that was half over their mouths, coating their dimpled cheeks. 

Bex and myself chuckled at the kids, the bell of the shop rattled against the gold walls as we stepped through the threshold. Rummaging throughout the chocolate candy and ice creams we chuckled at the amount of sugary items in our arms as we headed for the checkout. 

After paying for our items we dipped in and out of multiple shops including: Gladrags wizard wear, Zonko's joke shop and Wizarding crystals. 

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