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A/N: I'm back.

I apologise for my absence but I hope you can all consider that I needed time and headspace. With work and stress and the hate comments it was all getting on top of me, and a break was definitely what I needed.

But I'm glad to be providing you with more and I hope you'll all enjoy, I love you guys. Thank you so much for all your enlightening messages and comments! <3


We aparated to the town of Kelso, Scotland. With no time for second glances at the scenery and cobbled shop scattered streets, we headed towards the small map that was displayed on the towns centre.

We found the obvious woodland displayed on the map that was headed to our right and we offered no hesitation or exchange of words as we left the town centre.

"Reckon we will find her?" Kol murmured as he fiddled with a leaf he'd picked off a hedge.

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose "yes, we will find her" I motivated.

After trudging through long grass, tall trees and muddy woodland for what seemed like hours we finally came to a vast field. I huffed in a heat as I rubbed my forearm against my sweat beaded temples.

I saw the distant view of a gated property in sight as I squinted my eyes in attempt to clear my view. "That must be it" i huffed in tiny laughter. "It has to be!" a smile began to tug at the corners of my mouth, but I soon shook it off with an abrupt clear of my throat.I panted as we power walked the rest of the hill.

As we edged closer towards the cottage the arched door began to open. Creepy fucking cottages.

There she was, her hair slicked back into a ponytail, her curves enhanced accompanied with her small waist that slotted perfectly between my hands, her plump pink li — for merlins sake Draco, get it together mate...you're angry, remember? — Yeah yeah, whatever.

I instantly caught the moment she saw Kol and myself edging towards the cottage. Her face dropped as she turned to face Jayden tugging at his coat.

Fury spilled throughout my veins like a toppling ink pot as i balled my palms into fists, moons crescents digging into the white pressure of my flesh as I began to walk towards them.

I observed in a coated fury as Jayden pushed her back into the cottage slamming the door behind her in her realisation we had found them. Rude.


"The fuck do we do Jay?" I bit the skin on my nail as I offered a quick glance outside of the window.

I observed as kol flicked his wand toward the door, no verbally casting some charm against the lock. Before I could question "it's more powerful than a simple Colloportus charm, it's not the best but it can hold up against the Alohomora spell."

I dipped my chin slightly at his information as I made way for the curtain covered window. I subtly peeked behind the dusty velvet.

My heart pulsed heavily in my chest as Kol and Draco stormed towards the cottage, I'd never seen them so angry, I could see the fire bubbling in Draco's silver blues as his knuckles clenched and released in a repetitive motion to quite obviously calm himself.

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