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I rubbed the back of my neck as I sat up from resting my head on the desk.

Twisting my head from side to side as I massaged my neck muscles.

How has it only been twenty fucking minutes.

"I will be back shortly, I trust you Adeline to make sure yourself and Draco are on your best behaviour?" Professor Flitwick questioned.

"Of course, professor!" I replied with a soft smile.

Great, now we'd be alone. Just great.

"Of course professor!" A voice behind me echoed, mocking my voice.

God he was such a prick.

I chose to ignore him for once, I'm not rising to his level of pettiness.

I heard the four foots of his chair drag against the stone as that sharp sound echoed throughout the classroom.

I gripped my quill and continued to study, subtly shaking my head.

"The silent treatment is is, Roberts" he questioned as he closed my book and sat in front of me, making me push my chair back.

I crossed my arms and glared at him, still not speaking.

"Oh you want to play like that, hm Ade?" He asked eyeing me up and down cocking his brow.

It was intimidating.

Although not intimidating enough to answer him.

He was still a prick, even after we'd had sex.

Just now he was a flirty prick who gets enjoyment from teasing and tormenting me sexually.

His new game I'm assuming.

Still sat silent with unbreakable eye contact he edged forward towards me.

Popping the top button of my shirt open.

I refuse to reply to him.

Then the second button.

"Still going to ignore me ey?" He asked as he edged closer to my ear.

Then the third button.

I'm positive my heart was about to beat its way out of my chest.

"You're a tough one aren't you darling?" He smirked with a little giggle.

I gulped.

Then the fourth.

"Will I be stripping you down to nothing?" He whispered in my ear, shivers ran down my spine and to my inner thighs as I let a small sigh escape my lips.

"Fine, god fine!" I announced as i buttoned my shirt back up adjusting my tie back in place.

"Well that was entertaining, not that i would've minded stripping you down to nothing." he smirked leaning back against my desk, letting out the faintest chuckle as he tilted his head to the side.

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