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SO...we made it to 1K votes and I can't believe it! I can't thank you all enough for your love and support, the new and old readers!🖤
You are all AMAZING!



It's been a two months since the death of my parents. I've mourned, cried and been in nothing but complete pain for weeks on end. But they wouldn't have wanted me this way. And that's why I will not be this way. Of course I care, of course I'm dying every day for them to come back. But they won't. And accepting that is a step towards moving forward, and I am moving forward.

Draco and myself have grown apart, conversations every day turned into every other day, then every week, now none at all. In fact he hasn't even been here, he's been off for three bloody weeks. Whatever, like I care.

It's time to turn over a new leaf, 'you make that business!' Was my mother's words and that is what I shall do. I shall work towards this and I will make her proud. Staring today, new look and a new mind.

"Morning sweethea-woahhh" Kol's jaw hung open as he examined me from my dorm door. "Well hello there darling." He smirked as he cocked a brow at my appearance. My hair was in loose curls over my shoulders, shirt unbuttoned by three and my sleeves rolled up my forearms. My school skirt tight instead of the usual flow. My thigh high now knee high. Red tinted gloss applied lightly across my plump lips as my eyelashes batted with light mascara. "Hello there to you too." I smirked as I flicked the pad of my finger under his chin walking past him out of my door ready for classes. I turned around to see him stood in the same position with his mouth metaphorically catching flies. "Careful Fletcher, if the wind comes your face might just stick like that." I winked.

As I walked down the corridors he caught up with me quite quickly, the ghost of his hand on my lower back guiding me through the corridors. "You look rather sexy today Miss Roberts." He whispered next to my ear. "Well of course it was all for my one and only Kol Fletcher" I flirted harmlessly. "Such a flirt Adeline." He whispered as he grinned down at me. "Come on say my name one more time darling." He spoke as he tapped the lobe of his ear. "I must apologise but it was a one shot only." I tried to muffle my laughter. "Ooh Adeline Roberts you are killing me!" He shouted as he walked backwards down the hallway to class speeding in front of me as he blew a sarcastic kiss. I rolled my eyes at his silliness as I caught up to him in potions with Slughorn.

"Right class please be seated. I have a new project for you all." The whole glass groaned in protest "Over the next two days you will pick a magical herb to research, find it's positives and it's negatives. What it can be added to et cetera and with a partner I have selected to you, you will perform your project one on one with them when you have finished!"

I rolled my eyes at the professors assignment, I wish it could just be handed into him but no that'd be far to easy. I glanced behind me to roll my eyes at Kol and to my surprise I saw Draco Malfoy actually in class sitting smugly next to him.

As I stared a little to long his eyes dropped to meet mine, he cocked a brow as he waved a sarcastic hand at me in hello. I rolled my eyes and turned to face the front, flush ran up my neck as I gulped. He looked Devine. God when didn't he? But today he looked outstandingly handsome.

"Here I will read out whom you shall be performing your projects to—"

- "Blaise Zabini and Daphne Greengrass"

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