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Guys this is so CRAZY, 12k reads! I love you all and your dedication to this story!

Your votes and comments and messages really go a long way for me and they DO NOT go unnoticed! The least I can do is thank you guys for getting my story this far, so thank you.

I hope you are all enjoying the story and once again I love you Draco and Tom fans along with my devoted readers. Have a lovely day or night wherever you are and enjoy this chapter - 'white Christmas'



I watched subtly as she tossed and turned on the mattress next to me, my duvet wrapped around her body, tucked underneath her arms as her long chocolate curls sprawled along the silk pillow her head was sunk into tickling my skin.

"Creep" she muttered sleepily with a small smile as she batted her pretty long eyelashes at me slowly. "Huh?" I replied with confusion at her drowsy comment. "Take a  picture, I'm sure it'll last longer." she joked. "Oh hah hah very original, Adeline." I fake laughed as I smirked down at her warm complexion.

I watched as her deep hazels drifted over to my balcony window, widening at the sight "what's wrong?" I asked as I examined her shocked expression.

"Oh. My. God!" She squealed as she hopped out of bed, I was baffled to say the least. "It's snowing!" She gasped in awe as she opened the balcony door attempting to catch a few snowflakes in her palm.

I examined her, the tip of her nose turning pink as the frosty Christmas air attacked her delicate porcelain skin, her figure drowned by my t-shirt as she leant over the balcony edge attempting to catch more of the white icy dust. I'd never witnessed anything so perfect.

As she finally drew her body away from the window she slowly walked over to me with an evil smirk, I slid up the bed now sitting up shirtless. "Now be a good girl Adeline, don't you dare." I hissed as I pointed my finger at her.

She continued walking towards be as she cupped the handful of snowflakes "Put it down!" I growled with a smirk as I slid of the bed as we both stood either sides of my four poster.

"Oh put it down?" She questioned as she began running towards me, I jumped over the bed in a smooth motion as we now ended back up on opposite sides "Awe Ade, too slow are we darling?" I teased as I mocked a a sad sulky face reaching over the bed to flick her chin up with the pad of my finger.

I watched in no attempt to move as she jumped over the bed, the snow melting slowly as I grabbed her waist pulling her down playfully as she squirmed under my hold "I'm sorry I'm sorry!" She laughed in a pleading tone as I grabbed her wrists cupping some snow in my palm "please!" She begged in laughter trying to wriggle away from me.

"Please, oh please Draco." I whispered into her ear "Now doesn't that just remind you of something?" I questioned her as I gained enjoyment from watching her cheeks heat up. I examined her in my hold as she struggled to rustle up a comeback "s—shut up!" she huffed as I lowered my mouth the her ear "make me." I growled with a smirk feeling her melt under my arm.

I carried her over to the balcony with her back to my front "drop it now!" I demanded as I threatened her with my palm full of white frost. "Okay okay!" she spoke playfully showing that she was going to drop it until an icy sensation collided with my cheeks the frost attacking my skin making me drop her gently as I sighed at her, wiping the snow off my face. "Right that's it!" I playfully shouted as i slung her over my shoulder in one smooth motion, my arm just at the top of her thighs quickly checking out her arse as I bit my lip. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry it was defence!" She laughed as she begged me to put her down lightly smacking her hands against my back. I dropped her on the bed as she made an attempt to crawl off of it, I grabbed her ankles yanking her to the end of the bed as I began to tickle her stomach and arms "NO!" She screamed between her hysterical fits of laughter as she begged me to stop. Eventually I got my revenge as she laid exhausted on my bed panting in frustration as I laughed at her sulkiness.

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