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We all had apparated back to the manor ignoring Eve's earlier request to get the train back home. "Guys I'm all fine honestly, you think I haven't been to a nightclub before? Welcome to muggle men they're pigs and I've dealt with them before DO—NOT—WORRY!" I exclaimed as I admired all their concerned expressions offering them soft smiles.

"Okay baby, if you say so. Me and Crabbe shall head off." Bexley murmured bringing her lips to my cheek as she gripped my waist in goodbye, along with Crabbe offering me a strong nod and a smile waving goodbye.

"Ahhh me and Blaisey baby shall be off darling." Kol announced as he waltzed over to me flashing Blaise a grin "oh piss off you handsome devil." Blaise winked at Kol "shush it's a secret" kol replied in sarcastic annoyance, we all belly laughed at their performance as I held Kol in my embrace squeezing his back as i nuzzled into his chest. He dove his head down to my ear "keep up with the immensely sexy dancing Adeline" he whispered in my ear as I lightly punched his arm winking at him.

Blaise pulled me in for a hug, we'd now realised what we had was wrong on so many levels and had a comforting conversation on the topic. We were and always will be the closest of friends and that's all, nothing more. We loved each other with all of our hearts but not in the way we thought we did.

Kol and Blaise hugged draco patting each other on the back sternly with a "see you soon mate." Such lads.

After the group had left, Draco had made his way up to his room slightly tipsy as me and Eve laughed at his attempt to walk in a straight line "I need wagher— wait what's wagher I need water!" he slurred his words as he guzzled a bottle of water.

Eve and myself sat in the bar room popping open a few bottles of Prosecco, argh Prosecco such a posh alcohol but fucking lethal after a few glasses.

We sat on opposite sofas discussing normal girly topics such as; men, school, sex as we regularly let the bottles of alcohol duplicate, then triple etc.

"MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS ADE!" Eve shouted with her eyes flickering at the 00:00 on the wall clock as we bounced on the sofa's. Eve running to the radio to play 'all I want for Christmas'. We collected TV remotes as we brought them to our lips singing along to the music as we pointed at eachother whilst throwing our hair about the place, dancing on the sofas and kneeling on the floor in song "ALLLLL I WANT FOR CHRISTMASSSSS ISSSS YOUUUUUUU!" We sang in union ending the song as we fell back on the black leathers panting in sweat from the exhausting performance, chuckling to ourselves at our idiocy.

Me and Eve became closer to each other, we were very tipsy as we spoke of sex and how how it was being with another woman. "I think it's immensely hot, being with the same gender, I'm not bisexual but I won't turn down any activities to say the least." I blurted out in a drunk confidence.

"Shall we try it?" Eve blurted out with a giggle, god this was unexpected and a turn of events. We sat opposite each other as she leaned into me colliding her lips with mine as my hands ran over her enhanced curves. Our tongues intertwining as i panted into her mouth. We both pulled away "nah not for me." We said in union as we laughed at our friendship wiping our lips as we complimented each others techniques giggling drunkly.

"I'm sure my brother enjoys it!" Eve blurted out as she winked at me. "W-what, what do you mean?" I questioned I knew exactly what she meant blush and heat flushed to my cheeks like wildfire as I felt my skin on burn just at the thought of Draco. "Don't think I didn't see the way you two danced with one another earlier, and the way you hotly eyed each other up in school." The red tint continued to fill my pores as i shyly shrew my palms to my face in laughter.

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