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How is everyone? I hope we are all good and well.

remember you are unique in yourself, do NOT compare yourself to other individuals, you are beautiful in your own way do not argue with me! You are worth more than a million dimes could ever be. Hold that chin high darling and don't be afraid to give a big fuck you to anyone who belittles your opinion or puts you down! You are you and I'm amazed at you for surfing in this world we live in, I know this pandemic sucks but we are all together in this!

I love every single one of you! 🖤

My inbox is open for every single one of you, if you ever feel alone or in need I'm here for you!
I understand times are rough. We must stick together🥺x

I hope you enjoy this chapter! I've updated three times today now haha and I won't be able to update until Sunday as I'm working long days at work I hope you can understand!

I present to you - hangover cure



I licked my lips as I gawked into Draco's eyes to see yet again; hunger, craving, pining, and thirstiness glistening in the blue speckles of his silver depths.

I couldn't care less, the alcohol had eased the edge of my lust for him. But I was still in need, still in need of contact on my heat, some form of physical attention. I glanced over to Bexley whom was gawping at me boring her eyes into mine as she bit her lip, say less.

She crawled over to me as the group lowered their conversation in hopes to be nosey. She brought her mouth to my ear as she whispered filthy profanities asking me to come to the bathroom with her. I smirked as i was now holding eye contact with Kol.

Bex held out her hand for me as we walked into the bathroom, she slammed the door as whispers echoed in the room next to us. "What about Crabbe?" I giggled as she put a finger over my lips giggling with me. We were a drunken mess as we fumbled about each other's bodies. "He's not arsed, this isn't serious he knows we're just friends" she whispered as she kissed my neck. I tilted my head back allowing her access to every inch of my neck.

She unbuttoned my jeans as I did the same to hers, both yanking each other's down at the same time giggling as we clumsily kissed one another hotly.

She pulled up my top nibbling at my nipple as she massaged the other with her thumb "ooh fuck" I whispered in a pant as I rubbed her heat outside of her panties.

"Oh shit." She moaned as I licked a long line down her neck to the hem of her baby pink knickers. We giggled as I tore he panties down her legs to her ankles. She gasped as I dragged my tongue up her slit. "Ooh yes Adeline." She moaned as she gripped my hair. I twirled my tongue around her clit as I teased her entrance with my fingers. I quickened up the pace as I pumped my fingers into her, switching to a come hither motion against her g-spot as she practically screamed my name. We were to drunk to remember about the crowd of people outside the door. "I'm—gonna—come Adeline oh fuck yes!" She screamed as she came on my tongue.

She repeated the same motion with me, as she hit my g-spot I screamed her name in pleasure. I panted against the door as I ran my fingers through my hair, her tongue flicking against my clit and she fucked my entrance with her fingers. "I'm coming Bex ohhh shit!" I spat as my coil snapped in my abdomen, leaking onto her tongue.

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