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"sleep well Ade." his dark voice spoke as he stood in awe rubbing his chin.

"You too,Draco." I smiled and went to make my exit until I stoped in the doorframe turning my body back to face his as I bit my lip "you know...I don't know how or why you've so suddenly changed into this kind-of-nice man or if it's even real but Draco, I appreciate it." I turned my head to walk away leaving the words "it's far more attractive" lingering in the air as I smirked at my comment. I heard his scoff in subtle laughter as I sneaked a glance at him shaking his head with a smile as he bit his lip running his fingers through his platinum blonde hair.

As I walked down the manors long corridor a variety of scenarios between Draco and myself played out in my head first it was just how beautiful those moonshine silver eyes were then, how handsome his broad and tall figure is, then his muscular abnormally large hands, then I imagined those hands in between my legs followed with his tongue...then his hips pushed against mine the-

"Bloody hell woman, snap out of it!" Eve demanded as she snapped her fingers a few inches from my face, startled I frowned at her with a chuckle.

"Whatcha day dreamin' bout huh?" She smirked with her hands behind her back "or shall I say who?" She winked.

"Oh piss off eve!" I exclaimed rolling my eyes at her with a smile.

She was right, I was day dreaming...about Draco but I know her and her mother's little set up plan for me and the Slytherin Prince as they play Cupid and they will go above and beyond to poke some information out of me about my lust for him, I will not give them the satisfaction.


I woke up rubbing my sleep deprived eyes as the moonlight shon through the gap in Eve's curtains, the wind howling at me through the glass. It was around three in the morning and yet I just couldn't fall back into a sleep, so I decided to get up and head down to the kitchen for a drink.

I still had no pj's thanks to the meddling mother and daughter duo, still in Draco's shirt attempting to pull it over my arse a little more I tip-toed down the marble stairs, the cold floor sending shivers up my spine.

Without bothering to turn the light on I walked over to the sink and poured a glass of water leaning against one of the counters with my palm.

"Well what do we have here?" I heard a dark raspy voice echo from the doorway, snapping my body around I gasped in relief at Draco.

"Bloody hell, know how to scare a woman don't you Draco!" I exclaimed holding my palm to my chest, as I watched his eyes examine my body in his shirt I ran my hand down to the bottom in attempt to pull it down.

"I heard someone in the kitchen, obviously when I saw your short arse I figured there was nothing to worry about." He winked smothering his laugh at the term 'short arse'.

"I'll have you know I'm not short!" I mocked his choice of the word "short" in his voice as I huffed.

"Oh yeah?" He questioned as he furrowed one brow and raised the other as he strolled over to me.

I pushed myself up on the counter and crossed my ankles replying "yeah indeed" copying his facial expression.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me forcefully off of the counter placing me on my feet, my god did he tower over me, my face inline with middle to top of his chest I gulped and looked up at him, his hand raised to the top of my head as he compared our heights he patted where my head lined up and chuckled "sure thing Adeline, sure thing" he spoke sarcastically showing us both the obvious evidence of the height difference, we both ended up laughing as I went to finish my drink.

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