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Hello darlings.

It's that time again, for another chapter.

I hope you are all enjoying this book thus far as much as I am writing it!

Reminder: you're beautiful.

Btw, I sobbed writing this chapter, so I apologise in advance.



It had been a whole week of sleepless nights with my new position being stuck inside of the library with my nose delved deep inside of a book. Anything, just something that I could do. Something to persuade these images to occur more frequently so I could analyse them or some way of direct communication. But nothing.

Draco had been distant, minimal eye contact. The odd "morning, Roberts" or nodding of his head in acknowledgement. I rarely saw him. Wether it was deliberately or unintentionally my best guess would be option A. Our brief encounters would be joining the group for meals in the great hall or leaving, either way it would be the opposite for each other.

Surprisingly on Monday morning Draco and myself were at the table together, of course not alone. Never alone. I was playing with my scrambled eggs when the great hall flooded with owls dropping of packages and letters onto their owners laps and tables. A letter fell into my lap as my owl dropped down for me to give it a treat, as I did.

She was quite cute really with snowy feather and light grey wings, bless.

My brow furrowed in concern and confusion when the letter read:

Miss Adeline Evanora Roberts.

It seemed to be from the ministry with the concealed stamp of 'M ' attaching the envelope together.

I carefully unfolded the envelop pulling out a page of parchment with the ministry's logo at the right hand bottom corner. I skimmed my eyes over the cursive writing upon the parchment.

Miss Adeline Evanora Roberts.

It is to my disappointment to inform you of a tragic even that has occurred on todays date, the 8th of January 1998. This information is regarding your guardians Diana Jadis Roberts and Lumin Atlas Roberts.
At 7:27am this morning Jadis and Lumin were severely injured in a muggle car accident. Jadis Roberts is currently in at St Mungo's hospital with severe injuries and Lumin Roberts had unfortunately passed almost instantly at the incident.
I am sorry to inform you that your mother is expected to pass shortly, her injuries can not be recovered but the hospital has informed me that she'd like you to visit as soon as you can.
Again Miss Roberts, I am terribly sorry to inform you of this.

Minister of Magic — Cornelius Fudge.

The letter slipped from my hold, I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think. I sat staring at nothing with hot tears prickling at the corners of my eyes.

— "Adeline are you alright?" —

— "Ade?" —

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