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She looked beautiful.

Her chocolate curls hung perfectly behind her shoulders, her rid tinted gloss perfectly complimenting her porcelain skin that was speckled with coco freckles.

"Ready" she replied bluntly. I know I fucked up, big time. I've always had a soft spot for Adeline, that's why I bullied her. I believed I had no other way than to drive her to hate me to make life easier and when the bet was challenged I didn't think. God damn it I didn't think.


"God I fucking hate that Roberts, mudblood." The raven haired girl scowled eyeing her up as she walked elegantly down the corridors.

"Makes two of us Pans, fucking slut." I chuckled offering the girl an expression of disgust, I gulped subtly as I lost myself within Adeline's petite frame.

"Should we fuck with her?" She giggled. "What do you mean?" I questioned as i examined my nails with an unbothered expression.

"I bet you 10 chocolate frogs that you can't fuck her in the space of a week." She sniggered. 10 chocolate frogs, what the fuck? But a bet is a bet.

"I have every girl held under my thumb Parkinson of course I can get the filthy mudblood to shag me." I laughed as I walked away throwing my bag over my shoulder.

"You have until the end of the week, Malfoy!" She shouted down the corridor as I cocked my brow in boredom.

God if only I realised what a fucking fool I was being.  There she stood her small curved frame covered in a black satin dress that tightened around her breasts and her hips. Fucking fool.

I grabbed her hand as we apparated to London, she stumbled back from the change of scenery she examined her surroundings. "Westminister?" She questioned with a cocked brow.

I wanted to add a sentimental value to it from the night of the Christmas market, but I wouldn't tell her that. I just shrugged my shoulders and ordered her to follow me.

We walked up to a restaurant, her favourite restaurant. "Omg I love it here! How did you know?" She questioned as she clapped her hands. My actions must've slipped her mind for a second when she turned back to face me clearing her throat and offering me nothing but an emotionless expression. I deserve it.

The outside covered by a velvet red canopy as artificial flowers almost smothered the matte black building. I held the door and ushered her to walk in as she thanked me walking before me.

The restaurant was dimly lit, with candles placed on each table. "Ahh Mr.Malfoy!" the receptionist called as he bowed in front of me. I watched Adeline roll her eyes at me for my well known name as I smirked down at her.

The waiter showed us to our table as I pulled the chair out for her, she offered me a confused expression as she placed her hand on her chest with a sarcastic look of shock on her face. "My my 'Mr.Malfoy' who have you become?" she took a seat and I sat opposite her on a little two seater table.

The dimly lit candle flickering rays of red and gold amongst her complexion as she peeled off her jacket. Her collar bones just perfectly defined as the top of her breasts were just a little on show, just enough to allow the imagination to run wild.

"You look beautif-

"What can I get you to drink?" The waiter asked as he gawked at Adeline for a little to long for my liking, I suppressed me urge to wipe that smug grin clean of off his face. "You go first" I ordered Adeline as she browsed the menu. "No no you go I'm still looking" she looked so gorgeous with her little concentrating face, her mouth slightly ajar as she squinted her eyes into slits to make sense of the small print.

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